EANS-Adhoc: Review of the conversion ratio associated with the merger of S&T
System Integration & Technology Distribution AG into the former Quanmax AG,
which is now S&T AG
Geschrieben am 30-04-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
other/Review of the conversion ratio
Linz, April 30, 2013 S&T AG received today the notification from the
State Court of Linz that an appraisal will be made by the commission,
in accordance with § 225g of the Stock Act (AktG), charged with the
reviewing of the conversion ratio associated with the merger of S&T
System Integration & Technology Distribution AG into the former
Quanmax AG, which is now S&T AG. This merger was entered on December
12, 2012 in the corporate registry of S&T AG.
The conversion of the shares of the former S&T System Integration &
Technology Distribution AG into those of the former Quanmax AG was
undertaken at a ratio of 200 : 259. Few shareholders asked for a
review of this ratio of conversion. In a letter dated April 23, 2013,
S&T AG stated its position on this matter to the court. As stipulated
in the applicable regulations, a term for the expression of position
was granted to the placer of the motion and to those representatives
appointed, in accordance with § 225f of the AktG, to maintain the the
rights of those shareholders that did not lodge a motion for a review
of the conversion ratio. Upon expiry of this term, an appraisal will
be secured from the commission appointed by the court to review the
conversion ratio, in accordance with §225g of the AktG.
About S&T AG: S&T AG (ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT), formerly
Quanmax AG, is listed on the Prime Standard market of the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange. The company has 1,500 employees, and maintains
offices in 19 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. This makes S&T
of the three largest providers of IT systems in the region. S&T's
assets include the breadth of its portfolio of products and
proprietary technologies. This portfolio is offered through Central
and Eastern Europe.
Further inquiry note:
ir@snt.at; +437327664150;
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: S&T AG
Industriezeile 35
A-4021 Linz
phone: +43(732)7664-0
FAX: +43(732)7664-801
mail: kontakt@quanmax.ag
WWW: www.snt.at
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: AT0000A0E9W5
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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