EANS-Adhoc: Bank Sarasin + Cie AG / Mr. Ilan Hayim to be elected as
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Bank Sarasin and member of the Board of
J. Safra Sarasin Holding
Geschrieben am 06-05-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes)
New Board member
Mr. Ilan Hayim to be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Bank
Sarasin and member of the Board of J. Safra Sarasin Holding
The Board of Directors of Bank Sarasin decided to propose the
election of Mr. Ilan Hayim as new member of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Hayim was born in 1951. He is a Swiss national and resident in
Geneva. Mr. Hayim has extensive experience in the banking sector both
at the operational level and as a board member. He graduated in
Economics at the University of Geneva in 1972. He started his
professional career at Paribas (from 1975 until 1988) where he was a
member of the Executive Committee, and Head of Trade Finance and
Private Banking. In 1980, he was also Head of the New York branch of
Paribas. He then held the prestigious position of CEO in several
banking institutions (BSI SA, Banque Unigestion, HSBC Guyerzeller
Bank SA) between 1988 and 2006. Mr. Hayim was then Vice-Chairman of
HSBC Guyerzeller Bank SA and HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA, Member of
the Board of Unigestion Holding SA and Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Directors and member of the Audit & Risk Committee of BSI SA.
It is contemplated that Mr. Hayim be appointed in the capacity of
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Sarasin.
In addition, Mr. Hayim will be a member of the Board of Directors of
J. Safra Sarasin Holding, the parent company of Bank Sarasin.
For more information please contact:
Benedikt Gratzl | Media Relations
T: +41 (0)61 277 70 88 | e-mail: benedikt.gratzl@sarasin.ch
Franziska Gumpfer-Keller | Media Relations
T: +41 (0)44 213 97 35 | e-mail: franziska.gumpfer@sarasin.ch
Safra Group The Safra Group is a highly regarded name in global
private banking with a successful long standing history. Safra banks
include J. Safra Sarasin Holding and subsidiaries, Banco Safra and
Safra National Bank of New York, all built on strong financial
foundations. As of December 2012, the Safra Group had aggregate
stockholder equity of approximately USD 12.9 billion and total assets
under management of USD 200 billion. The Safra banks are in 156
locations worldwide, and have over 7,700 employees.
J. Safra Sarasin Group - Sustainable Swiss Private Banking since 1841
As an international group committed to sustainability and well
established through its banks in 30 locations in Europe, Asia, the
Middle East and Latin America, J. Safra Sarasin Group is a global
symbol of private banking tradition, emphasizing security and
well-managed conservative growth for clients. At the end of December
2012 it managed total client assets of approximately CHF 130 billion
and employed around 2,140 staff, with stockholder equity of
approximate CHF 3.4 billion.
Further inquiry note:
Benedikt Gratzl
Media Relations
T: +41(0)61 277 70 88
Franziska Gumpfer-Keller
Media Relations
T: +41 (0)44 213 97 35
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Bank Sarasin + Cie AG
Elisabethenstrasse 62
CH-4002 Basel
phone: +41 (61) 277 77 77
FAX: +41 (61) 272 02 05
mail: info@sarasin.ch
WWW: www.sarasin.ch
sector: Banking
ISIN: CH0038389307
indexes: SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: official dealing/general standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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