UBM plc Appoints Sally Shankland as EVP, Group People & Culture Director
Geschrieben am 14-05-2013 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
UBM plc today announces the appointment of Sally Shankland as
Executive Vice President, Group People & Culture Director, succeeding
Jennifer Duvalier who joins ARM plc.
Sally has been promoted to this role from her current position as
Chief Executive Officer of UBM Connect - UBM's US-based $110m
portfolio b2b marketing services business. Sally will maintain her
involvement with UBM Connect as its non-executive Chairman and the
process to appoint her successor as CEO is now under way. Sally will
continue to be based in New York when she takes up her worldwide
People & Culture role.
Sally joined UBM in 1988 and has held successive executive
positions in marketing, sales and management. Sally led UBM Medica
US's successful transition from a print-based publishing business to
its position as one of the leading digital marketing services
businesses serving the US healthcare market. She was subsequently
appointed Chief Executive Officer of UBM Connect in May 2012.
David Levin, CEO of UBM plc, said:
"I am very pleased to announce Sally's appointment to lead UBM's
People & Culture function, a role which is vitally important to UBM.
Sally will work closely with me, our CFO Bob Gray and with colleagues
on UBM's senior executive team to continue and further develop our
programs to strengthen UBM's positive culture; to attract, develop
and retain the talent which is driving forward UBM's development; to
evolve UBM's organisational structure and operating model to focus on
strong customer and market insight; and, to ensure we are operating
effectively to deliver UBM's strategy as a global events-led
marketing services and communications business."
"Sally's outstanding operational and commercial management track
record at UBM Connect and at UBM Medica US make her ideally qualified
to take on this larger role, having demonstrated her ability to
relate to colleagues and customers alike, and her focus on creating
high performance, inclusive cultures which produce great results. I
am particularly pleased that we've been able to promote someone into
this role who has such deep operational experience and expertise in
UBM and of the wider b2b media industry. Sally's appointment is also
a great demonstration that UBM career paths can span both commercial
and corporate roles."
Notes to Editors
1. About UBM plc
UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and
communications company. We help businesses do business, bringing the
world's buyers and sellers together at events and online, as well as
producing and distributing news and specialist content. Our 5,500
staff in more than 30 countries are organised into expert teams which
serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do
business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
For more information, go to http://www.ubm.com; follow us on
Twitter at @UBM_plc to get the latest UBM corporate news.
2. About UBM Connect
UBM Connect provides live media, marketing services, education and
interactive digital environments across a number of communities, the
largest of which are medical device design, advanced manufacturing
and healthcare. UBM Connect's leading brands include MedTechWorld,
Medical Design & Manufacturing, WestPack, Design News, Plastek,
PharmaPack, QMed, Cancer Network, Physicians Practice and Psychiatric
ots Originaltext: UBM plc
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Media: Peter Bancroft Director of Communications, E-mail
communications@ubm.com, Direct telephone +44-20-7921-5961 ; Chris
Citigate Dewe Rogerson, E-mail chris.barrie@citigatedr.co.uk, Direct
telephone +44-20-7282-2943, Mobile +44-796-872-72-89;
Kate Postans, Email Head of Investor Relations,
Direct telephone +44-20-7921-5023
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