Global Biometrics and Border Control Award for DERMALOG
Geschrieben am 16-05-2013 |
Hamburg (ots) - The consultancy Frost & Sullivan presented its
Customer Value Enhancement Award on Tuesday to Germany's largest
biometrics manufacturer, DERMALOG Identification Systems, for its
exceptional biometric border control system.
DERMALOG has been honored yesterday night by Frost & Sullivan with
the Best Practices Award in the category Global Biometrics and Border
Control Customer Value Enhancement Award for its cutting edge
Biometric Border Control System. One of the decisive factors in
selecting DERMALOG for the award was the performance of its new
biometric border control system, which is particularly fast and
efficient thanks to its high-end components - but also focuses on
fulfilling customer requirements. DERMALOG's speed and flexibility in
deploying the system also played a major role in deciding the winner.
The award also recognizes this pioneering German biometrics company's
focus on enhancing the value of its products for customers, providing
competitive pricing for the performance delivered, and exceeding
expectations with excellent customer service.
"We are very pleased and proud that Frost & Sullivan has
recognized the innovation and customer focus embodied by our
biometric border control system," commented DERMALOG's managing
director Günther Mull on winning the Frost & Sullivan Award. "All of
our products are based on a high quality standard and responding to
individual customer requirements - that's our formula for success."
At the border, the pioneering biometric border control technology
can scan and verify both biometric features and travel documents such
as passports, visas, and other papers if desired. Biometric
verification and identification can be completed in just one second
thanks to DERMALOG's AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification
System). The fingerprints are scanned by the DERMALOG Fingerprint
Live Scanner LF10, which has been certified by both the United States
FBI and Germany's BSI. Optional features make it possible to verify
the authenticity of document and check the information contained in a
traveler's documents with the border control system. DERMALOG is
easily able carry out these verifications because the company also
supplies forgery-proof high-security documents with integrated
biometric data itself including electronic ID cards and e- passports.
The AFIS, which is also supplied by DERMALOG, guarantees that these
documents can only be issued once to each applicant, stopping
identity theft in its tracks. The biometric Border Control System is
already being used at all border crossings in Malaysia (air, land and
sea crossings) as well as in neighboring Brunei and in Kuwait.
DERMALOG fingerprint sensors are also in use on Germany's borders and
in several other European and Asian countries.
Thanks to DERMALOG's development of a continuous stream of
innovative products, the company's biometric technologies are now
being used at more than 80 large government installations in over 50
countries. That places the Hamburg manufacturer among the world's
leading suppliers in the fields of fingerprint biometrics and AFIS.
DERMALOG provides both the software and the world's most secure
fingerprint scanners with state-of-the-art liveness detection for its
systems, which have now made it the market leader in Europe and many
other regions across the globe.
The wide range of products available combined with innovative
technologies, high-end products and modular designs make DERMALOG
systems easy to quickly adapt to the unique requirements of specific
customers, ensuring fast and successful rollouts. DERMALOG is able to
provide and integrate end-to-end solutions but also frequently works
in cooperation with local system integrators.
The Biometric Middleware is an integral part of the system that
enables quick and easy integration into existing software
architectures for professional results. The are no limits on system
scalability - depending on the country and population size, anything
from large-scale deployments to small installations are possible.
In addition to national border control systems and biometric
personal identification and passports, DERMALOG's technology is also
being used for fingerprint payment (FingerPayment), as part of
automated banking machines (ATM) as well as inside banks at the
counter, and also, of course, for biometric authentication to access
computer systems. DERMALOG's mission is to continue making its
technology faster and easier to use while further enhancing security.
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH, based in Hamburg, is one of
the world's leading biometric identification companies and the
largest biometrics manufacturer in Germany. The company's team of top
scientists and IT experts is continuously developing new and
innovative products. The product portfolio ranges from highly-
advanced biometric border checkpoint identification systems nd
secure biometric ID cards to the new FingerLogin and FingerPayment
solutions. In addition to Germany and Europe, DERMALOG's key markets
include Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
DERMALOG has supplied over 20,000 fingerprint scanners to
Germany's national registration offices and immigration authorities.
The devices are being used to embed fingerprints in the country's
new electronic passports, ID cards, and residency permits. An
additional 70,000 fingerprint scanners have now been delivered to
over 50 other countries. Large AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint
Identification System) installations are now in operation at over 80
government agencies around the globe. DERMALOG also provides
solutions to banks and cash machine manufacturers such as
Wincor-Nixdorf, who have installed DERMALOG fingerprint scanners in
over 1000 of their cash machines worldwide, allowing customers to use
a fingerprint instead of less secure PINs. For further information,
please visit
Media contact - For additional information, please contact:
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH
Contact person: Oliver von Treuenfels
Mittelweg 120
20148 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 (40) 413227-0
Fax: +49 (40) 413227-89
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