Fi Istanbul's Success Demonstrates Unlimited Market Opportunities in Turkey, the Middle East & North Africa
Geschrieben am 17-05-2013 |
Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -
Staggering 3,000 Visitors + 150 Exhibiting Brands and Record
Re-Booking Volumes for the 2014 Event
Yes, we've got a lot to shout about and so we would like to start
with a huge thank you to all of our exhibitors who helped to make
Food ingredients Istanbul such a great success. As the only dedicated
food ingredients event in the region, last week's highly successful
show demonstrates that this region is thriving and thirsty for the
very latest ingredients, solutions, innovations and networking
We are delighted to announce that Food ingredients Istanbul
exceeded all forecasts and expectations with the impressive amount of
3,000 visitors and a 94% rebooking rate. As a launch event, Fi
Istanbul welcomed attendees from over 80 different countries, filling
all aisles and bustling exhibitor stands.
It is clear that the industry responded well to this launch event.
Building on the high growth rates that the food industry is
experiencing in this region, Fi Istanbul provided a strong platform
for all food and beverage manufacturers to source from over 150
local, regional and international food ingredients suppliers.
The response from the exhibitors was overwhelming! Many claimed to
have had one of the best shows ever, with a high quality of visitors,
a steady flow of traffic during the 3 days and a good mix of visiting
companies, including food manufacturers from dairy, ice cream,
confectionary, meat, poultry and many more.
"Turkey, for a global company, is a very important market for us
to be close to our customers. Food ingredients Istanbul has been a
great experience to meet new customers in 3 days and share projects,
prototypes, concepts and innovations" Luis Fernandez, Vice-President
Global Applications, Tate & Lyle
Natasha Berrow, UBM's Brand Director, also commented, "Last week's
event really did surpass even our expectations! The positive response
to this launch event, the new Fi branding and signage provided the
innovative environment that such a growing region deserves."
She continued "the record re-bookings are further indication that
exhibitors see Fi Istanbul as the place to continue to meet their
customers and to expand into this booming region. I'd like to express
our appreciation for the tremendous and ongoing support of all our
"We are very impressed by the quality of visitors; quality is more
important than quantity. We found a lot of good customers that we'll
probably start new business with" Stella Wu, International Sales
Manager, JK Sucralose
Visitor feedback also surpassed all expectations. The great mix of
local, regional and international food ingredients suppliers was
complimented by many attendees looking to source new ingredients from
companies they never heard of.
"I want to know new suppliers and I want to see some different
varieties of products that I can use for my customers. This is the
first year for this exhibition and it feels like it has being a
successful opening and I'm sure it will get greater and bigger in the
coming years." Meleknur Tuzun, Sales Manager, Agrana
Fi Istanbul is a key part of the Food ingredients Global Portfolio
strategy to extend the its brand into new regions, offering
exhibiting clients a platform to engage with new customers and
present their new business growth opportunities. With the key focus
on business development, innovation and trade, in a region with one
of the fastest economic growth rates in the world, Fi Istanbul proved
to be one of the most cost-effective platforms to source new
ingredients, grow market share and act as a stepping stone to this
vastly and yet close to untouched food industry.
Notes to Editor:
About Fi ingredients Global - the trusted route to market since
Food ingredients first launched in Utrecht, The Netherlands in
1986 and its portfolio of live events, publications, extensive
database, digital solutions and high-level conferences are now
established across the globe to provide regional and a global meeting
place for all stakeholders in the food ingredients industry. Over
500,000 people have attended our shows over the years, and billions
of Euros of business have been created as a result. With over 25
years of excellence, our events, digital solutions and supporting
products deliver a proven route to market with a truly global
About UBM Istanbul
UBM Istanbul [ ] was established in April
2012 to connect people and create opportunities for companies wishing
to build business between Europe and Asia, meet customers, launch new
products, promote their brands and expand their markets. Premier
brands such as Fi Europe, CPhI, IFSEC, Black Hat, Mother & Baby Show,
Jewellery and many others and will become an integral part of the
marketing plans of companies across more than 10 industry sectors.
About UBM
UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and
communications company. We help businesses do business, bringing the
world's buyers and sellers together at events and online, as well as
producing and distributing specialist content and news. Our 5,500
staff in more than 30 countries are organised into specialist teams
which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to
do business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
For more information, go to
ots Originaltext: UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Borja Monreal Tames, Marketing Executive - Food ingredients
Global, Email:, Tel: +31(0)20-4099566
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