Upsolar and Tigo Energy Unveil Austria's Largest Smart Solar Array
Geschrieben am 18-06-2013 |
Vienna (ots) - Vienna's historic Opera House will save electricity
with solar energy
Upsolar, a leading international provider of solar PV modules,
today announced the completion of a 400 kW solar electric system in
Vienna, Austria. Featuring Upsolar's smart module technology powered
by Tigo Energy, the rooftop system provides clean energy for
operations at the storage facility owned by Vienna's historic Opera
House, Wiener Staatsoper.
The 400 kW project is comprised of more than 1,600 UP-M240P-T
smart modules, making it the largest smart system in the country that
utilizes integrated power optimization technology. The array will
reduce energy use for the Wiener Staatsoper's facility, which
provides a temperature-controlled environment to preserve historic
artifacts. Siblik Elektrik facilitated construction of the system,
which helps Austria's Art for Art Theater Service reduce carbon
emissions by as much as 368 tons.
Upsolar's smart modules with Tigo offer an integrated solution
that boosts system performance and enhances design flexibility. Tigo
also provides digital monitoring services at the module level that
enable Wiener Staatsoper to track the performance of the system
automatically and remotely, and resolve any issues immediately.
"This project underscores Upsolar's leadership in bringing smart
modules to the global solar market with the help of strong partners
like Tigo Energy," said Nadine Schmitz, Country Manager for Upsolar
Germany. "This technology has the potential to redefine the renewable
energy experience by dramatically expanding the customer base for
solar and providing unparalleled insight into customers' long-term
About Upsolar
Upsolar develops and produces high quality solar PV modules at
competitive prices, offering a secure long-term investment for
customers around the world. Bolstered by a commitment to product R&D
and support from its flexible manufacturing platforms, Upsolar
ensures top-tier performance and reliability while maintaining an
asset light approach to its business. All Upsolar products are backed
by industry-leading product and performance guarantees to ensure
superior performance over the lifetime of each system. Upsolar also
champions environmental sustainability through key sponsorships and
environmental initiatives.
To learn more about Upsolar, its products or its sustainability
efforts, please visit
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Media Contacts:
Lucy Chen
Corporate Marketing Manager, Upsolar
+33 1 83 62 02 05
Kimberly Setliff
Antenna Group for Upsolar
+1 415-977-1942
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