DGAP-Adhoc: Hansa Group AG successfully concludes capital increase
Geschrieben am 18-06-2013 |
Hansa Group AG / Key word(s): Capital Increase
18.06.2013 09:12
Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Ad hoc-announcement according to section 15 WpHG
Hansa Group AG successfully concludes capital increase
- 7.1% capital increase
- Proceeds will strengthen the equity base and the financial structure
Genthin, 18th of June, 2013 - The new shares offered by Hansa Group have
successfully been placed today. As part of a capital increase 3,424,657 new
no-par value bearer shares have been issued at a placement price of EUR
2.92 per share. The gross proceeds amount to EUR 10 million. The proceeds
will be used to strengthen the equity basis and stabilise the financial
The new shares carry full dividend rights starting from the year 2013.
HANSA Trust International AG has guaranteed the capital increase up to a
total volume of EUR 10 million and within that context has acquired
3,359,657 new shares against payment of the placement price.
Investor Relations:
Silvia Kostova
Wanheimer Str. 408
47055 Duisburg
Email: ir@hansagroup.de
Homepage: www.hansagroup.de
ISIN: DE 0007608606WKN: 760 860
Stock exchange code: H4G
Quoted at: Prime Standard. Frankfurt (Prime Standard)
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Language: English
Company: Hansa Group AG
Fritz-Henkel-Str. 8
39307 Genthin
Phone: +49 (0)203-73804-109
Fax: +49 (0)203-73804-309
E-mail: silvia.kostova@hansagroup.de
Internet: www.hansagroup.de
ISIN: DE0007608606
WKN: 760860
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart
End of Announcement DGAP News-Service
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Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG, übermittelt durch
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