Bold Themes for the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
Geschrieben am 19-06-2013 |
Quebec City (ots/PRNewswire) -
Food security, access to health care and health services, the
global job crisis and cooperative development and strengthening
The 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives has announced its
major program themes. These ambitious, bold themes will garner the
attention and interest of cooperatives from every sector of the
global economy as well as world leaders and politicians.
Food security, access to health care and health services, and the
global job crisis will be the central topics of discussion at the
Summit to be held in Quebec City, Canada, October 6 through 9.
International studies will be the framework for examining innovative
ways cooperative enterprises can make a difference and address these
enormous global challenges.
As it did in 2012, the program will also focus on cooperative
development and strengthening. Governance, capitalization, financing,
innovation at the service of members' changing needs, talent
management and retention, compensation, and other issues will be
discussed with a view to offering solutions for cooperative managers.
Exclusive, groundbreaking studies
The findings of groundbreaking international studies will also be
unveiled at the Summit, shedding new light on the cooperative
business model.
High-profile speakers and representatives of major international
World-renowned speakers from the cooperative and mutualist
movement and the private sector will be in attendance again this
year. The Summit will also attract representatives of major
international organizations, which will have a key role to play in
tackling the challenges posed by the major Summit themes.
The 2012 Summit, with its slogan "The Amazing Power of
Cooperatives," drove home the message that the cooperative movement
is a real force in the world economy.
In 2014, the Summit will proclaim that cooperatives' innovative
potential is a solution to the issues and challenges facing the
world. Cooperatives have always been able to adapt, reinvent, and
improve themselves in order to differentiate themselves and remain
competitive. They have weathered the business cycles and economic and
financial crises of the past hundred years better than any other type
of business. Cooperative enterprises have also innovated by
establishing a long-term management vision, incorporating sustainable
development into their business models, and emphasizing human rather
than financial capital. They are economic, financial, and social
Side events and activities for future leaders
The Summit will feature a number of side events focusing on other
themes specific to cooperative enterprises. A number of activities
have also been planned for future leaders as part of the Future
Cooperative Leaders Program.
International Expo of Cooperatives
An International Expo of Cooperatives will be held during the
Summit to help stimulate business development, intercooperation,
cooperative enterprise, and access to new markets by bringing
together cooperatives and "buyers" from all over the world.
About the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
Decision makers and influencers from the international cooperative
and mutualist community will gather in Quebec City, Canada, from
October 6 through 9 for the 2014 International Summit of
Cooperatives. The Summit's bold, ambitious themes will garner the
attention and interest of cooperatives from around the globe as well
as world leaders and politicians.
For further information:
(for journalists only):
Nathalie Genest
Press Relations
International Summit of Cooperatives
+ 1-514-281-7275 | 1-866-866-7000, ext. 7275
Nicola Huckerby
Director of Communications
International Co-operative Alliance
ots Originaltext: 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
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