
EANS-Adhoc: Weatherford International Ltd. / Weatherford Announces Results of Annual General Meeting

Geschrieben am 20-06-2013

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this

Annual & Special Corporate Meetings

GENEVA, Switzerland, June 20, 2013 -- Weatherford International Ltd.
(NYSE / Euronext Paris / SIX: WFT) announces the voting results of
its annual general meeting of shareholders held today and informs its
shareholders that a Form 8-K will be filed later today with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") providing additional
details. At Weatherford's annual general meeting of shareholders all
agenda items passed with one exception. The approved items include an
amendment to Weatherford's articles of association to authorize
issuable authorized share capital in an amount equal to 18.22% of
current stated capital and grant an authorization to the Board of
Directors to issue shares from authorized share capital for the
period from June 20, 2013 to June 20, 2015, as well as the reelection
of all directors. The agenda item relating to the discharge of
liabilities with respect to officers and directors for fiscal year
2012 did not pass. The Form 8-K will provide additional details on
the voting results, as well as other information regarding new and
departing officers and directors. A full copy of the amended and
restated articles of association will also be attached to the Form

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/19990308/WEATHERFORDLOGO)

Weatherford International Ltd. makes available free of charge on its
website, its Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, reports filed pursuant to Section
16 of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and amendments to
those reports filed with or furnished to the SEC as soon as
reasonably practicable after Weatherford International Ltd.
electronically files these documents with, or furnishes them to, the
SEC. These documents are posted on Weatherford International Ltd.'s
website at http://www.weatherford.com — under "Investor Relations."

The SEC maintains a website that contains reports, proxy statements
and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with
the SEC. These materials may be obtained electronically by accessing
the SEC's home page at http://www.sec.gov.

Further inquiry note:
Copies of the above referenced information will also be made available, free of
charge, by calling or upon written request to:

Weatherford International Ltd.

Investor Relations

4-6 Rue Jean-Francois Bartholoni

1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Contacts: John H. Briscoe +1.713.836.4610

Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer

Karen David-Green

Vice President - Investor
Relations +1.713.836.7430

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Weatherford International Ltd.
Rue Jean-Francois Bartholoni 4-6
CH-1204 Geneva
phone: +41.22.816.1500
FAX: +41.22.816.1599
mail: karen.david-green@weatherford.com
WWW: http://www.weatherford.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: CH0038838394
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange, stock market: New York, Euronext
language: English


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