KfW IPEX-Bank finances two third-generation offshore wind farm installation ships
Geschrieben am 27-06-2013 |
Frankfurt am Main (ots) -
- "Brave Tern" and "Bold Tern" designed for operation in the North
- Contribution to energy turnaround and environmental and climate
KfW IPEX-Bank has arranged the financing for two offshore wind
farm installation ships for the Norwegian shipping company Fred.
Olsen Windcarrier AG. The overall financing volume amounted to EUR
145 million. Of this amount, EUR 85 million was provided by KfW
IPEX-Bank itself and EUR 60 million by its consortium partner Danish
Ship Finance.
On the occasion of the signing ceremony Christian K. Murach,
member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank, emphasised the
importance of the project by saying that "Owing to their role in
expanding the use of renewable energies, the ships make a vital
contribution to protecting the environment and the climate. Since our
long-time esteemed business partners within the Fred. Olsen related
companies also have ordered a substantial volume of German supply
components, our financing also boosted German exports."
The two vessels were built at Lamprell Shipyard in Dubai. Key
equipment components were also supplied from Germany, including the
entire drive system from Voith Turbo, auxiliary diesel engines by
MAN, generators and electronic control units by ABB and Siemens.
The installation ships - Brave Tern and Bold Tern - are
third-generation jack-up contruction vessels. With a crane capacity
of 800 tonnes each and dynamic positioning systems, the ships are
specifically adapted to the conditions of the North Sea. They meet
the requirements for the installation of all currently standard and
planned wind energy plants and foundations up to a depth of 45
In providing this financing in the strategically important
Norwegian market, KfW IPEX-Bank has strengthened its position as a
leading financier of offshore wind farm installation and maintenance
The Oslo-based Fred. Olsen related companies look back on more
than 160 years as shipowner of various types of vessels. In addition
to the operation of four cruise ships, the group is also a highly
experienced operator of drilling units in the oil and gas sector.
Beyond that the group also operates onshore wind farms in the field
of renewable energies. The establishment of Fred. Olsen Windcarrier
made it possible to bundle experience gained in the given activities
and to pursue a strategy as an integrated service provider for the
offshore wind industry. The services range from construction,
maintenance and service to the repair of offshore wind farms.
About KfW IPEX-Bank
Within the KfW Group, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH is in charge of
international project and export finance. It is responsible for
providing financing to support the German and European economy, a
task derived from the legal mandate assigned to the KfW Group. Its
prime focus is on medium- and long-term lending to boost the export
economy, develop economic and social infrastructure and support
environmental and climate protection projects. KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
operates as a legally independent group subsidiary and plays a major
role in fulfilling the promotional mission of the KfW Group. It has
around 590 employees and is represented in the key economic and
financial centres around the globe.
KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt
Pressestelle: Dela Strumpf,
Tel. 069 7431 2984, Fax: 069 7431-9409, E-Mail:
Internet: www.kfw-ipex-bank.de
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weitere Artikel:
- KfW IPEX-Bank finanziert zwei Offshore-Windpark-Installationsschiffe der dritten Generation Frankfurt (ots) -
- "Brave Tern" und "Bold Tern" für Einsatz in der Nordsee
- Beitrag zur Energiewende sowie Umwelt- und Klimaschutz
Die KfW IPEX-Bank hat die Finanzierung von zwei
Offshore-Windpark-Installationsschiffen für die norwegische Reederei
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier AG arrangiert. Das Gesamtfinanzierungsvolumen
beträgt 145 Mio. EUR. Davon stammen 85 Mio. EUR von der KfW IPEX-Bank
selbst, 60 Mio. EUR werden vom Konsortialpartner Danish Ship Finance
zur Verfügung gestellt.
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