Global Construction Market to Reach $15 Trillion by 2025
Geschrieben am 01-07-2013 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
- China, India and U.S. will account for almost 60% of all global growth
- Emerging Asian markets taking advantage of China slowdown
- Construction market in Western Europe will be almost 5% smaller by 2025 than
A new report released today forecasts the volume of construction
output will grow by more than 70% to $15 trillion worldwide by 2025.
The benchmark global study - the third in a series from Global
Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics - shows the meteoric
growth, which outpaces that of global GDP, will be concentrated in
three countries - China, the US and India.
"World construction markets are at a tipping point already with
52% of all construction activity in emerging markets today. We expect
to see this increasing to 63% by 2025, with China and India
contributing most to growth in emerging markets," says Graham
Robinson, Executive Director, Global Construction Perspectives.
China overtook the US to become the world's largest construction
market in 2010, and is expected to increase its global share from 18%
today to 26% in 2025, despite an expected slowdown.
"China and India will need to build another 270 million new homes
by 2025 - mostly affordable homes", says Mike Betts from Global
Construction Perspectives.
Significant opportunities have arisen for a new generation of
'Asian Tigers'. Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines are becoming
increasingly attractive for export-oriented manufacturing and
represent a $350 billion construction market growing at more than 6%
"While China is the key market, it would be a mistake to ignore
the transformations happening elsewhere in Asia, which will help
boost construction in Asia Pacific" says Jeremy Leonard, Director of
Industry Services at Oxford Economics.
India will overtake Japan as the third-largest construction market
with annual growth averaging 7.4% annually in construction expected
to exceed that of China.
The construction market in Western Europe is expected to be almost
5% smaller in 2025 than its pre-recession peak in 2007, whilst North
America is forecast to be almost 40% larger.
"By 2050, there'll be two billion additional city dwellers -
sustainable urbanization will be a major construction challenge and
the industry must strive to find innovative new products and
solutions, to contribute to building better cities", says Bruno
Lafont, Chairman and Chief Executive of global building products
For more information: visit
Or contact:
Shauna McCarthy +44(0)203-047-2287
ots Originaltext: Global Construction Perspectives Ltd
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