Better prospects for the future using modern hospital design / The European Trade Fair "Hospital Build & Infrastructure Europe?
Geschrieben am 18-07-2013 |
Hamburg/Düsseldorf (ots) - The European trade fair "Hospital Build
& infrastructure Europe" will be held in the Congress Center Hamburg
from 3 to 4 September 2013. Hospital managers, architects, planners
and investors, as well as facility managers, will meet here for the
third time to exchange experiences. The trade fair presentations and
speeches will focus on the construction, operation and equipping of
hospitals. In the three accompanying congresses, 40 international
speakers will shed light on new solutions for European hospitals
using practical examples. The organiser, Informa Exhibitions, expects
60 exhibitors and around 2,000 specialist visitors to attend the
event. More information:
Financing solutions for hospitals, sustainability and energy
efficiency for buildings, and equipment or the increasingly louder
demands for a so-called "healing environment": The topics covered at
this year's Hospital Build & Infrastructure Europe (HBIE) and the
accompanying congresses reflect the current challenges and
opportunities facing the hospital sector. "Modern and sustainable
design is currently a prerequisite for the future flexibility,
competitiveness and security of hospitals," explained Aleksandra
Kreplin, the conference manager from Informa Exhibitions.
"Significant advances are being made within diagnosis and treatment
processes in hospitals, which has increased the expectations and
requirements placed on architecture, equipment and process
optimisations. Current hospital equipment is becoming obsolete more
quickly - and needs to be refurbished at an earlier stage.? Read
Press contact:
Claudia Büttner
Head of Press and PR
Informa Exhibitions
Prinzenallee 3
40549 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 211/96 86- 3380
Fax: +49 (0) 211/96 86- 4380
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