EANS-General Meeting: Kapsch TrafficCom AG / Invitation to the General Meeting
Geschrieben am 13-08-2013 |
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Vienna, FN 223805 a
We would like to invite our Shareholders to the
Annual General Meeting of Kapsch TrafficCom AG
on Thursday, September 12th, 2013 at 10.00 a.m.,
in the conference room of Kapsch TrafficCom AG,
1120 Vienna, Am Europlatz 2.
1. Presentation of the annual financial statements including the management
report and the corporate governance report, the consolidated financial
statements including the management report for the Group and the report of
the Supervisory Board for the business year 2012/2013
2. Resolution on the allocation of the profit for the financial year shown in
the Annual financial Statements
3. Resolution on the formal approval of the action of the members of the
Management Board for the business year 2012/2013
4. Resolution on the formal approval of the action of the members of the
Supervisory Board for the business year 2012/2013
5. Appointment of the auditors and the Group auditors for the business year
6. Election to the Supervisory Board
7. Resolution on remuneration for a member of the Supervisory Board
Especially the following documents will be available online at
www.kapsch.net/de/ktc/investor_relations on August 22nd, 2013 at the latest
and will also be available during the annual general meeting.
- annual financial statements and management report,
- corporate governance report, - consolidated financial statements
and management report for the Group, - proposal for the allocation
of profit, - report of the Supervisory Board, each for the business
year 2012/2013; - proposed resolutions as to the items 2 - 7 of the
agenda, - Statements of the nominees for the election to the
Supervisory Board according to TOP 6 in accordance with section
87, paragraph 2 of the Stock Corporation Act - form for the
grant of a proxy, - form for the revocation of a proxy, - full text
of this invitation.
Shareholders whose shares together amount to 5 % of the share
capital and who have been holders of these shares for a period of
the last three months before the application, may request in
writing the additional items be included in the agenda for this
annual general meeting and that an announcement be made in this
respect, provided such request is received by the company in writing
no later than August 22nd, 2013 and exclusively to the address Am
Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria, Investor Relations
department, Mr. Marcus Handl. The Shareholder capacity has to
be evidenced by submitting a deposit confirmation pursuant to Sec.
10a of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, confirming that the
Shareholders making such requests have held their shares for at
least three months prior to making such requests. Such confirmation
must not be older than seven days at the time of its submission to
the Company. As regards the other requirements of the certificate
of deposit, please refer to the information on the right to attend
the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders whose shares together amount to 1 % of the equity
capital may transmit written proposals for resolutions for
each item on the agenda including reasons therefore and may
request that such proposal including the reasons be made
available on the website of the Company, provided such request
is received by the Company no later than September 3rd, 2013 via fax at
+43(0)50811 1709 or via mail to Am Europlatz 2, 1120 Vienna, Austria, Investor
Relations department, Mr. Marcus Handl or via e-mail to
ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net, whereas the request must be in a text format, e.g.
PDF, and attached to the e-mail. The Shareholder capacity has to be evidenced
by submitting a deposit confirmation pursuant to Sec. 10a of the Austrian Stock
Corporation Act which must not be older than 7 days at the
time of its submission to the Company. The other requirements for
the safe custody receipt are included in the statements concerning
the entitlement to participate in the annual general meeting.
Upon request, each shareholder is entitled to receive
information on the matters of the Company during the annual general
meeting, to the extent such information is necessary for the
proper evaluation of an item on the agenda.
Please send any questions the answering of which requires extended
preparation to Mr. Marcus Handl duly in advance of the Shareholders'
Meeting in text form to safeguard that the meeting can be
conducted in an economic manner. Questions can be sent to the
company by e-mail addressed to ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net or by
telefax sent to +43 (0) 50811 1709.
At the Shareholders' Meeting, every Shareholder is entitled to
propose motions on any item on the agenda. This shall however not
apply for proposals for election to the Supervisory Board (TOP
6): Proposals for the election of Supervisory Board members
must, for every proposed person, be made accessible on the
internet site of the Company together with declarations according
to section 87 paragraph 2 of the Stock Corporation Act latest by 5th
of September, 2013, otherwise the persons proposed must not be put
to a vote. This shall comprise also proposals for election
submitted by Shareholders according to section 110 of the Stock
Corporation Act to be submitted to the Company in writing at
the latest on the 3rd of September, 2013. Additional information on
the rights of the Shareholders in accordance with sections 109,
110, 118 and 119 of the Stock Corporation Act are available on
the website of the Company, www.kapsch.net/de/ktc/investor_relations
The entitlement to participate in the annual general meeting and
to exercise the voting right and all the other Shareholders'
rights to be asserted in connection with the annual general
meeting is subject to the shareholding at the end of September
2nd, 2013 (record date).
Only persons who are Shareholders on the record date and
provide evidence therefore shall be entitled to participate in the
annual general meeting.
Subl.: Deposited bearer shares
In case of deposited bearer shares, the shareholding as of the record
date may be evidenced by a safe custody receipt in accordance with
section 10a of the Stock Corporation Act, to be received by the
Company no later than September 9th, 2013 exclusively at one of
the addresses stated below.
Via mail Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Investor Relations
Attn. Mr. Marcus Handl
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna,
Via fax: +43 (1) 8900 500 - 68
Via e-mail anmeldung.kapsch@hauptversammlung.at, whereas the safe
custody receipt should be attached to the e-mail in text
format, e.g. PDF
Kapsch TrafficCom AG does not accept safe custody receipts according
to section 114 paragraph 1 fourth sentence of the Stock
Corporation Act that are transferred via an internationally
widespread, particularly secured communication network of
banks(SWIFT) as other electronic ways of communication (fax and
e-mail) are opened. This is because Kapsch TrafficCom AG
provided SWIFT as electronic way of com-munication at both
previous annual general meetings, however, the depository banks did
not make any use of it.
Subl.: Safe custody receipt in accordance with section § 10a of the
Stock Corporation Act
The safe custody receipt must be issued by the depositary bank
headquartered in a state which must be either a member state of the
European Economic Area or a full member of the OECD and must
contain the following data: - Information on the issuer: name / name
of company and address or a code used for transactions between
banks, - Information on the shareholder: name / name of company,
address, date of birth for individuals, register and register
number for legal entities, if applicable - Information on the
shares: number of the shares held by the shareholder, ISIN
AT000KAPSCH9, - Deposit number and/or another description, - Time
to which the safe custody receipt refers.
The safe custody receipt as evidence for the shareholding must
refer to the record date stated above, i.e. September 2nd, 2013.
The safe custody receipt shall be accepted in German or in English.
The Shareholders shall not be blocked due to their registration for
the annual general meeting and/or the transmission of a safe
custody receipt; therefore, Shareholders may still freely dispose
of their shares even after they are registered and/or
transmitted a safe custody receipt.
Each shareholder entitled to participate in the annual general
meeting has the right to appoint a proxy who participates in the
annual general meeting in the name of such shareholder and who has
the same rights as the shareholder he/she represents.
The power of attorney must be granted to a certain (an individual
or a legal entity) in text form; also several persons may be
The power of attorney must be received by the company exclusively at
one of the addresses stipulated below at September 11th, 2013 at 4
p.m. at the latest:
Via mail Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Investor Relations
Attn. Mr. Marcus Handl
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna,
Via fax: +43 (1) 8900 500 - 68
Via e-mail anmeldung.kapsch@hauptversammlung.at, whereas the power of attorney
should be attached to the e-mail in text format, e.g. PDF
In person: in the course of the registration to the annual general meeting
at the place of the meeting
A power of attorney form and a form for the revocation of power of attorney can
be sent to you upon request or you can retrieve it on the Company's website at
The above regulations for the granting of proxies apply mutatis
mutandis to the revocation of proxies.
In case a shareholder granted a power of attorney to his/her
depositary bank, it shall suffice if such bank declares that it
has power of attorney and provides the safe custody receipt. For
the transmission of this declaration, section 10a, paragraph 3 of
the Stock Corporation Act shall apply mutatis mutandis.
As a special service, a representative of the "Interessensverband
für Anleger" (IVA, Austrian Association of Investors), 1130
Vienna, Feldmühlgasse 22, is available to Shareholders as an
independent representative bound by the Shareholders'
instructions for exercising voting rights at the Annual General
Meeting; a special form of power of attorney may be downloaded at the
Company's website at www.kapsch.net/de/ktc/investor_relations.
Shareholders may also contact Mr. Michael Knap of IVA directly by
calling +43-1-8763343-0, by fax at +43-1-8763343-49 or by e-mail
Subl.: Total number of shares and voting rights
At the date of convening the annual general meeting the share
capital of the Company amounts to EUR 13,000,000.00 and is
divided into 13,000,000 no-par bearer shares. Each share grants
one vote. At the date of convening the annual general meeting the
Company holds neither directly nor indirectly own shares. The
total number of shares entitled to participate and vote at the
annual general meeting therefore at the date of convening the annual
general meeting amounts to 13,000,000 shares.
In order to avoid delays at the entrance checks, Shareholders are
asked to present themselves in due time before the start of the
annual general meeting. Voting cards may be collected from 9.30
a.m. onwards.
Vienna, August 2013
The Management Board
Further inquiry note:
Mag. Marcus Handl
Investor Relations Officer
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Wien, Österreich
Tel.: +43 50.811 1120
E-Mail: {ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net}
[HYPERLINK: mailto:ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net]
Mag. Katharina Riedl
Kapsch AG
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Wien, Österreich
Tel.: +43 50.811 1705
E-Mail: {katharina.riedl@kapsch.net}
[HYPERLINK: mailto:katharina.riedl@kapsch.net]
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
A-1121 Wien
phone: +43 1 50811 1122
FAX: +43 1 50811 99 1122
mail: ir.kapschtraffic@kapsch.net
WWW: www.kapschtraffic.com
sector: Technology
indexes: Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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