DGAP-Adhoc: bmp media investors AG: Publication of figures for first half of 2013
Geschrieben am 14-08-2013 |
bmp media investors AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results
14.08.2013 15:00
Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
- Net loss of EUR 469 thousand (EUR -0.02 /share)
- One new investment in the second quarter of 2013
- Further new investments and profit forecast for 2013
bmp media investors AG (ISIN DE0003304200) is today announcing its IFRS
figures for the first half of 2013.
The first half of 2013 closed with a net loss of EUR 469 thousand (previous
year: EUR -2.2 million). This is almost exclusively attributable to the
negative share price development of the listed Polish investment K2
Internet S.A., which resulted in a loss of around EUR 640 thousand in the
second quarter. K2's share price has since recovered slightly.
Revenue amounted to just under EUR 0.4 million (previous year: EUR 0.05
million) and was primarily due to a partial exit from the investment in
Heliocentris as part of a block trade.
Net asset value, which corresponds to IFRS shareholders' equity, amounted
to EUR 16.5 million as of 30 June 2013 (previous year: EUR 16.5 million) or
EUR 0.88/share (previous year: EUR 0.88/share). The equity ratio improved
significantly to over 99% at the end of the reporting period (previous
year: 92%). There are no liabilities to banks.
Due to investment activities and the reduction in liabilities from
refinancing activities, cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 1.7
million at the end of the first half of 2013 compared with EUR 4.0 million
in the same period of the previous year. Listed securities increased from
EUR 3.2 million in the previous year to EUR 4.0 million in the period under
Following a new investment in ferret go GmbH, bmp media investors AG had a
total of 18 investments in its core sector of media and marketing services
at the end of the period under review.
Two to three new investments are planned for the current financial year. In
light of the good development of the portfolio and the strong growth
momentum of our investments, we are still forecasting one or two exits, a
net profit for the year and a significant improvement in net asset value.
The half-yearly report will be published on 30 August 2013 at
For further information:
bmp media investors AG
Corinna Riewe
Schlüterstraße 38
10629 Berlin
Tel.: 030-20 30 5 567
Information and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:
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securities would not be permitted under the prevailing Securities Law
without prior registration or listing.
This ad hoc report represents neither an offer for the sale of shares made
out to the bearer nor a request for an offer for the purchase of shares to
be submitted. It is for information purposes only.
Language: English
Company: bmp media investors AG
Schlüterstraße 38
10629 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 20 305-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 20 305-555
E-mail: ir@bmp.com
Internet: www.mediainvestors.com
ISIN: DE0003304200
WKN: 330420
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart; Warschau
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