
DGAP-Adhoc: FAST Casualwear AG: Change in the Supervisory and Management Board

Geschrieben am 21-08-2013

FAST Casualwear AG / Key word(s): Change of Personnel

21.08.2013 14:45

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


FAST Casualwear AG: Change in the Supervisory and Management Board

Hamburg, August 21, 2013 - Dr. Stefan Söhn, Chairman of the Supervisory
Board of FAST Casualwear AG, informed the company that he resigns with
immediate effect from his office as chairman and member of the Supervisory

Also Mr. Chao Yu, another member of the FAST Casualwear AG Supervisory
Board, informed the company that he as well resigns with immediate effect
from his office as member of the Supervisory Board.

Furthermore, Parkco Tam, Chief Financial Officer of FAST Casualwear AG,
informed the Supervisory Board that he resigns as a member of the
Management Board with immediate effect. However, Parkco Tam will continue
to act as Head of Finance of FAST Casualwear AG, but in the future as an
employee instead of a member of the Management Board.

The Company will take the necessary measures in order to find successors


Information and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:

About FAST Casualwear AG

FAST Casualwear AG is the German holding company of FAST Group, a Chinese
group of companies engaged in the design, production and sale of
casualwear, consisting of footwear and apparel including accessories. It
mainly designs and produces casualwear under its own brand name 'FAST',
targeting consumers aged between 16 and 35 primarily in the lower tier
cities in China. FAST distributes its own brand products through 26
unaffiliated regional distributors, who sell the products via retail
outlets operated either by themselves or by third party sub-distributors.
Its distribution network consists of 900 retail outlets in over 100 cities
throughout China. FAST also designs and produces footwear as contract
manufacturer for international brand owners, mainly from Europe and the
U.S. FAST's operating facilities are located in the southeast of China in
Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, one of the largest footwear manufacturing
hubs in China. FAST employs around 860 employees.

For further information please visit www.fast-casualwear.com or contact

FAST Casualwear AG


Language: English
Company: FAST Casualwear AG
c/o Kirchhoff Consult AG, Herrengraben 1
20459 Hamburg
Phone: 040 60 91 86 0
Fax: 040 60 91 86 60
E-mail: contact@fastfashion.com.hk
Internet: www.fast-casualwear.com
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard)

End of Announcement DGAP News-Service



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