EANS-Adhoc: BWT Aktiengesellschaft / Management Board agrees on share buyback
Geschrieben am 13-09-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Disclosure pursuant to §§4 (2), 5 and 6 of the Disclosure Regulation
Mondsee, 13.9.2013. At the Annual General Meeting on May 24th, 2012,
management was authorized to buy back shares. Now, the Management
Board of BWT has taken the resolution to make use of this
Details on the share buyback programme: 1. The day of authorization
of the resolution by the Annual General Meeting according to Para. 65
Sec. Z 8 AktG (Stock Corporation Act) is May 24th, 2012. 2. The
resolution by the Annual General Meeting was disclosed on May 24th,
2012 and registered with the register of companies on July 7th, 2012.
3. The Buyback Program is expected to end on May 23rd, 2014. 4. The
Buyback Program concerns ordinary shares of BWT AG. 5. The intention
is to buy back up to 710,452 shares, i.e. up to around 4.0% of the
current share capital of BWT AG. 6. The minimum price to be paid in
the buyback is EUR 9.00 and the maximum price to be paid in the
buyback is EUR 14.00 per share. 7. The buyback takes place via the
stock exchange or over-the-counter. The main purpose is the return of
capital to the shareholders while simultaneously improving the
capital structure. The authorization by the Annual General Meeting
extends to the use of repurchased shares (i) to serve as
consideration for acquisitions, (ii) to sell own shares at any time
over the stock exchange or via a public offer, or excluding a public
offer and over-the-counter. 8. Other effects of the share buyback
program on the admission for trading on the Stock Exchange: none.
The disclosure of changes and details of transactions will be
published on the Internet website of BWT AG at www.bwt-group.com in
section "Investors" and "Share buyback".
Further inquiry note:
BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Mag. Ralf Burchert
Tel.: 06232/5011-1113
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Walter-Simmer-Str. 4
A-5310 Mondsee
phone: 06232/5011-0
FAX: 06232/4058
mail: office@bwt.at
WWW: www.bwt-group.com
sector: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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