
Worldhotels celebrates second annual World Community Day / Volunteer projects see hotel group giving back to local communities

Geschrieben am 23-09-2013

Frankfurt (ots) - Celebrating the group's second annual World
Community Day, Worldhotels staff and hotels around the world took
time out between mid-August and mid-September to participate in
various volunteer projects.

Aimed at making an active contribution towards Worldhotels' local
communities, the initiative saw staff and hotels in China, Germany,
Italy, Spain, the United States and many more countries devote a full
working day to helping out with their chosen social, environmental or
humanitarian projects. Worldhotels introduced its World Community Day
in 2012 and the initiative's immediate success proved the
significance of individual contribution for the group's staff and

"After last year's great achievements, we wanted to take the World
Community Day 2013 one step further and involve even more of our
hotels and their staff. Almost 40 hotels joined us this year and
together we spent more than 1,000 working hours lending a helping
hand to our communities all around the world", comments Robert
Hornman, Worldhotels' Managing Director.

In Frankfurt, the group supported a kindergarden in Frankfurt by
helping them to turn a recently acquired plot of land into a safe and
enjoyable place for almost 20 children, while others engaged in
gardening at the local grassland orchards, an endangered wildlife

In Paris, Worldhotels volunteers donated blood, while staff at the
Madrid office played their part in protecting the local environment
and planted trees in the area surrounding Madrid together with the
environmental organisation "Territorios Vivos". Teams in Milan and
Rome gathered to contribute their combined work force to "Pasqua in
Siria", an independent charity collecting goods for ATMA - a refugee
camp in Syria. All of the group's Italian hotels also took part in
the World Community Day and donated one Euro for each of their guest
rooms to Caritas, who offer help to Italian families affected by the
country's recession.

The Worldhotels Benelux team joined the Worldhotel Bel Air The
Hague, turning the local beach into a clean and enjoyable space by
removing garbage, while staff in Stockholm teamed up with Berns Hotel
and Hotel Diplomat, donating clothes to "Ny Gemenskap", which offers
help to the homeless.

In addition to these projects, Worldhotels staff and hotels in the
Asia-Pacific region and in Americas also took a day out to take part
in their own local projects. The group also encouraged its social
media followers to join its World Community Day and share their
stories on Worldhotels' Facebook page:

"The beauty of the World Community Day is that it makes giving
back so easy and enjoyable: Staff and colleagues not only get the
chance to give back to their local community, but also have the
opportunity to engage with hotels and colleagues in a different
environment", explains Robert Hornman. "Next year, we hope to get
more hotels and even clients to join us and take our contribution to
the next level."

Media contact:
Veronika Bahnmann Worldhotels
+49 (0) 69 660 56 - 259


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