ATC Global Moves to China for 2014
Geschrieben am 24-09-2013 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
Leading annual event for the ATC community will be held in China
for the first time
UBM, the organisers of ATC Global, today announced that the ATC
Global Conference and Exhibition will be held in the capital of China
for the very first time in 2014.
Taking place from 17-19 September at the China National Convention
Center (CNCC) in Beijing, ATC Global will once again unite the
international Air Traffic Management (ATM) community for three days
of business and networking, and will also facilitate high-level
discussions around common industry issues.
Hosting ATC Global in China for the very first time reflects the
growing importance that the region plays within the aviation industry
as a key transport hub, both regionally and internationally whilst
also recognising its strategic location between Europe and the
Paula Milburn, Development Director - Aviation for UBM, explains;
"We have been monitoring the global market with an eye on Asia for
several years and have spent the last two years conducting in depth
research whilst also establishing relationships that will underpin
the next chapter in the development of ATC Global. Over the last 23
years the event has achieved strong growth and international reach
from its regional roots in Europe. As the show continues to expand,
the new location of Beijing will assist in bringing the global ATM
community together to seek solutions to the current challenges facing
the industry and to conduct business."
UBM is working closely with the government and relevant
authorities in China and the event has the support and backing of the
ATMB CAAC. An Advisory Board comprising of senior representatives
from the ATMB CAAC and the international ATM community will steer the
event and help to ensure that it best reflects the needs of the
According to CAPA aviation is a key sector in driving China's
economic strategy and as such US$230 billion has been committed to
developing civil aviation as part of the current 5 year plan.
Mr. Wang Liya, Director General of ATMB, added: "We are delighted
that the ATC Global Conference and Exhibition 2014 will take place in
Beijing. We have attended the show for the past few years and feel
that this is a great event that serves the ATM community well. ATMB
look forward to working closely with the ATC Global team and other
senior stakeholders within the industry to create a truly global
event that covers all the key issues surrounding this dynamic sector
along with exploring the crucial role the this region will play in
UBM plc is one of the world's leading international events-led
marketing services companies, ATC Global is a key component within
its Aviation offering that also includes the Airport Cities and
Routes events. ATC Global is committed to supporting ANSP's and ATM
industry suppliers, investing annually to ensure that each year the
key event offers industry wide benefits and is seen as a world leader
for the ATM industry.
ATC Global's inaugural edition in Beijing will benefit from UBM's
experience and expertise as the largest international trade event
organiser in China. UBM organises a growing portfolio of more than 60
exhibitions and conferences from its network of offices based in
China's major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
About ATC Global
ATC Global is the place for the international ATM community to do
- Founded in 1990, the event brings together buyers and sellers from across
the globe, accelerating the procurement process contributing to the implementation and
deployment of major ATM projects.
- The ATC Global team proactively seeks out procurement personnel from
traditionally inaccessible markets who are actively sourcing ATM products and
services, and facilitate buyer-seller meetings for all in attendance.
- ATC Global is a three day event comprising a world-leading exhibition,
high-level conference programme, hosted buyer scheme, networking receptions, extensive
free educational content and the ATC Global Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner.
About UBM Plc
- UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and communications
company. We help businesses do business, bringing the world's buyers and sellers
together at events and online, as well as producing and distributing news and
specialist content. Our 5,500 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into
expert teams which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do
business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
- For more information, go to [
]; follow us on Twitter at @UBM_plc [ ] to get the latest
UBM corporate news; follow @UBMNews for news from all UBM's businesses; follow @UBM
for a flavour of UBM from selected members of UBM's Twitterati.
ots Originaltext: ATC Global
Im Internet recherchierbar:
For further information, images or to request an interview
regarding the release, please contact: ATC Global, Patsy Bateman,
Senior PR
Manager, T: +44(0)20-7921-8458, E:; Victoria
PR Executive, T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:
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