Saxo Bank Opens Office in Brazil Further Extending its Presence in Latin America
Geschrieben am 02-10-2013 |
São Paulo (ots/PRNewswire) -
Saxo Bank [ ], the online multi-asset
trading and investment specialist today announced that the Bank is
expanding its Latin American footprint by opening a new office in São
Paulo, Brazil after being granted a licence by the Brazilian central
Saxo Bank already has an office in Uruguay to service Latin
American retail investors and in Panama focusing on institutional
business for the Spanish-speaking markets. As Brazilian fund managers
are increasingly seeking to diversify their funds, the new office in
São Paulo intends to serve institutional clients, offering access to
a vast range of products.
The office will be headed up by Pedro Borges, previously Director
at the Portuguese financial services firm Orey Financial. Borges has
over 15 years of experience working in the financial markets and
brings with him expertise in electronic trading, hedge funds and
business development.
Pedro Borges, Head of Saxo Bank Brazil, said:
"As host to the 2016 Olympics and the 2014 World Cup, Brazil is
much more than an emerging market today. It is a booming economy
which offers the financial industry access to profitable
opportunities. As the largest economy in Latin America it is crucial
that Saxo Bank has presence in the local market. The new office will
provide access to worldwide financial assets via one platform, and we
aim to become the go-to partner of choice for institutional clients
looking to invest in international assets."
In a joint statement, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen,
co-founders and CEOs of Saxo Bank, said:
"The needs of Latin American investors have evolved and become
more sophisticated over the last years, and with our tools and
technology we believe we are very well positioned to meet the growing
demands of these investors. Saxo Bank opened its Uruguay offices in
2012 to cater for Latin American retail investors. Opening an office
in such an exciting and rapidly evolving country is now the logical
extension of our footprint in the region, and one we are very excited
Lars Seier Christensen will open the new office and deliver the
opening speech at the opening event at the new office, as well as
introduce the services Saxo Bank can offer in a conference for hedge
funds at Bas des Arts, São Paulo on Thursday, 3 October 2013:
Saxo Bank offers to Institutional investors access to 30,000
financial instruments, including stocks of companies listed on over
30 global stock exchanges, 160 currency pairs, 8,700 CFDs, 1,500 ETFs
and ETCs, futures and more. The instruments are available through
Saxo Trader, a desktop version of the platform, the browser-based
Saxo Web Trader and Saxo Mobile Trader for mobile devices.
About Saxo Bank
Saxo Bank is a leading online trading [
rex?csref=b1744_Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ] and investment
specialist, offering private investors and institutional clients a
complete set of tools for their trading and investment strategies. A
fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo Bank enables clients
to trade FX, CFDs [
lerplate_pressrelease ], ETFs, Stocks, Futures, Options and other
derivatives via three specialised and fully integrated multi-asset
trading platforms [
Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ]; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader, the
downloadable SaxoTrader and the SaxoTrader app. The platforms are
available in over 20 languages and are white-labelled by more than
100 major financial institutions worldwide. Saxo Bank also offers
professional portfolio and fund management as well as traditional
banking services through Saxo Privatbank. Founded in 1992, the Saxo
Bank Group is headquartered in Copenhagen with offices in 25
countries throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa
and Australia.
ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Media enquiries: Kasper Elbjørn, Head of Communications, Saxo
Bank, +45-3065-4300,
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