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DGAP-Adhoc: SYGNIS AG: SYGNIS AG plans rights offering

Geschrieben am 02-10-2013

SYGNIS AG / Key word(s): Capital Increase

02.10.2013 16:09

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Ad hoc-Release according to § 15 WpHG

SYGNIS AG plans rights offering

Heidelberg, Germany, October 2, 2013 - SYGNIS AG (Frankfurt: LIO1; ISIN:
DE000A1RFM03, Prime Standard) announced that the Management Board of SYGNIS
today resolved with the approval of the Supervisory Board to increase the
Company's share capital by up to EUR 1,170,532.00 from EUR 9,364,258.00 to
up to EUR 10,534,790.00 by issuing up to 1,170,532 new shares against cash
contribution. The Company plans to offer the new shares to its shareholders
in a rights offering. The subscription ratio has been set at 8:1; i.e.
eight existing shares entitle the shareholder to subscribe for one new
share. The subscription price is EUR 2.65 per share.

The offering will utilise existing authorised capital created by resolution
at the Annual General Meeting on 28 August 2013. The New Shares carry full
dividend rights as of 1 January 2013.

New shares that are not subscribed in the course of the rights offering by
existing shareholders will be offered to selected investors in a private
placement at a purchase price equivalent to the subscription price.

Shareholders may subscribe to the new shares during the subscription
period, which is expected to begin on 8 October 2013 and end on 22 October
2013 at 12:00 noon CEST. There will be no organised trading in subscription
rights. The new shares that can be subscribed in return for cash
contributions are offered to shareholders by way of an indirect
subscription right by Baader Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Unterschleissheim,
Germany. Shareholders' subscription rights are determined based on their
holdings of existing shares at the close of business of the day, 7 October

SYGNIS plans to use the gross proceeds of approximately up to EUR 3.1
million to finance its operating business and further growth.

For further details on the rights issue, please see the subscription offer
provisionally planned to be published in the electronic Federal Gazette on
7 October 2013 and on the website of SYGNIS AG (

**** end of ad hoc ****

For further information please contact:

Pilar de la Huerta
Tel: +34-918063089

After the merger in 2012 between X-Pol Biotech, specialising in DNA
amplification and sequencing, and SYGNIS AG, listed in the German Stock
Exchange (Prime Standard segment, Tick: LIO1; ISIN: DE000A1RFM03), SYGNIS'
new mission is to develop and distribute technologies and products from
X-Pol, which has a commercial product in the DNA amplification segment,
QualiPhi(R) and is currently developing other products in the field of Next
Generation Sequencing.
### Disclaimer
This publication is intended for information only and constitutes neither
an offer to sell nor an invitation to buy securities. Some statements
included in this press release, relating neither to proven financial
results nor other historical data, should be viewed as forward-looking,
i.e. not definite. Such statements are mainly predictions of future
results, trends, plans or goals. These statements should not be considered
to be total guarantees since given their very nature they are subject to
known and unknown risks and imponderability and can be affected by other
factors as a consequence of which the actual results, plans and goals of
SYGNIS AG may deviate greatly from the established conclusions or implied
predictions contained in such statements. SYGNIS does not undertake to
publicly update or revise these statements in the light of new information
or future results or for any other reason.###


Language: English
Company: SYGNIS AG
Im Neuenheimer Feld 515
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: 06221 454-6
Fax: 06221 454-700
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart

End of Announcement DGAP News-Service



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