EANS-News: BWT Aktiengesellschaft / BWT reports on the first three quarters 2013
Investments and brand building are continuing
Geschrieben am 08-11-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
quarterly report
Mondsee (euro adhoc) - - Revenues +1.4% to EUR 385.3 million - EBIT
-6.1% to EUR 19.3 million - Net earnings EUR 10.8 million after EUR
13.8 million - Outlook on the full year 2013: revenues roughly EUR
500 million, net earnings roughly EUR 10 million.
Mondsee, 8 November 2013. "Our investment programme at the sites of
Mondsee and Bietigheim-Bissingen in Germany as well as growth in
Point of Use and brand building with end consumers set their mark on
the first nine months of the year. The BWT Gourmet table water filter
that mineralizes tap water with the mineral Magnesium for excellent
taste and new filter products in the professional segment for
catering, hotel and vending customers play a major role in this
context. In addition, we started the biggest advertising campain for
Point of Entry water technology products ever in Austria. Taken
together, we managed to compensate weaker market development
involving also reductions of capacity with other areas", says Andreas
Weissenbacher, CEO of BWT AG about the first three quarters of the
year 2013.
As at the end of September, BWT increased its consolidated revenues
by 1.4% from EUR380.0 million to EUR385.3 million. With a comparable
Group structure (a plant engineering company in Ireland was sold in
the first quarter), revenues growth would have been 2.4%. Higher
growth of 16.9% to EUR 36.1 million was achieved in the Point of Use
operations representing a share of total sales of 9.4% (against 8.1%
last year).
Costs incurred for expansion of the Point of Use product area and the
weak order situation in the Municipal Plant Engineering product
segment, together with restructuring measures that are required in
this segment as a result of this, led to a decline in EBIT from
EUR3.7 million to EUR3.2 million in the third quarter. On a
cumulative basis after the first nine months, the BWT Group generated
EBIT of EUR19.3 million, down 6.1% on the previous year (EUR20.6
million). After nine months, net profit for the period after
non-controlling interests amounted to EUR10.8 million, which equates
to a decrease of EUR3 million on the previous year's figure. Earnings
per share came to EUR0.64 in the first three quarters of the year,
compared with EUR0.82 in the previous year.
Andreas Weissenbacher: "The new production facitlities in Mondsee and
at the new site in Germany will be completed in beginning of 2014.
Also brand building is proceeding according to plan, at the same time
we are continuously optimizing our Point of Entry business; Strategic
measures to optimise and streamline the Group's locations and product
portfolio will also impact planned consolidated earnings for 2013.
The Management Board therefore expects consolidated revenues for the
current financial year to remain unchanged compared with the previous
year at just over EUR500 million and net profit for the year of
around EUR10 million."
The full Third Quarter Report is available on our homepage: http://ww
Further inquiry note:
BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Mag. Ralf Burchert
Tel.: 06232/5011-1113
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Walter-Simmer-Str. 4
A-5310 Mondsee
phone: 06232/5011-0
FAX: 06232/4058
mail: office@bwt.at
WWW: www.bwt-group.com
sector: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
Emittent/Meldungsgeber verantwortlich.
Mondsee (euro adhoc) - - Umsatz +1,4% auf 385,3 Mio. Euro - EBIT
-6,1% auf 19,3 Mio. Euro - Ergebnis nach Steuern 10,8 Mio. nach 13,8
Mio. Euro - Ausblick Gesamtjahr 2013: Umsatz rund EUR 500 Mio.,
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