EANS-News: Century Casinos Launched Second Casino in Warsaw
Geschrieben am 08-11-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Company Information
Wien (euro adhoc) - November 8, 2013
Century Casinos Launched Second Casino in Warsaw
Colorado Springs, Colorado - November 8, 2013 - Century Casinos,
Inc. (NASDAQ Capital Market® and Vienna Stock Exchange: CNTY) today
announced that its 66%- owned subsidiary Casinos Poland Ltd.
successfully launched a second casino in Warsaw.
Century Casinos is currently operating nine casinos under the
Casinos Poland brand in most major cities all over Poland. Casinos
Poland now relocated its second casino license in Poland's capital
Warsaw, from an unfavorable location to the Marriott building in
order to improve its offer in Poland's main gaming market. The
entrance to the new venue is next to Warsaw's main train station
and a popular shopping mall, providing for substantial
pedestrian traffic directly in front of the new casino location.
During yesterday's opening party, guests were served local
gastronomic specialties and entertained with live music and a
lottery. Whilst the casino is currently offering four gaming tables
and about 30 slot machines, the number of machines will be doubled
within the next few months.
About Century Casinos, Inc.: Century Casinos, Inc. is an
international casino entertainment company that owns and operates
Century Casino & Hotels in Cripple Creek and Central City,
Colorado, and in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and the Century Casino
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The Company also operates casinos
aboard twelve luxury cruise vessels (Regatta, Nautica, Marina,
Riviera, Mein Schiff 1, Mein Schiff 2, Wind Surf, Wind Star, Wind
Spirit, Seven Seas Voyager, Seven Seas Mariner and Seven Seas
Navigator). Through its Austrian subsidiary, Century Casinos Europe
GmbH, the Company holds a 66.6% ownership interest in Casinos Poland
Ltd, the owner and operator of nine casinos in Poland. The Company
also manages the operations of the casino at the Radisson Aruba
Resort, Casino & Spa in Aruba, Caribbean. Century Casinos, Inc.
continues to pursue other international projects in various
stages of development.
For more information about Century Casinos, visit our
website at www.centurycasinos.com. Century Casinos' common stock
trades on The NASDAQ Capital Market® and the Vienna Stock Exchange
under the symbol CNTY.
This release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the
meaning of Section 27A of the Security Act of 1933, as amended,
Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. These statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions
of the management of Century Casinos based on information currently
available to management. Such forward-looking statements include,
but are not limited to, statements regarding Casinos Poland
Ltd., future results of operations, operating efficiencies,
synergies and operational performance, and plans for our casinos
and our Company. Such forward-looking statements are subject to
risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from future results expressed or
implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that
could cause actual results to differ materially from the
forward-looking statements include, among others, the risks
described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" under Item 1A in
our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
2012. Century Casinos disclaims any obligation to revise or
update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to
time by it or on its behalf.
Further inquiry note:
Century Casinos Europe GmbH
Mag. Peter Hötzinger, CO-CEO
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Century Casinos,Inc.
c/o Century Casinos Europe GmbH, Untere Viaduktgasse 2
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43/664/3553935
FAX: +43/1/5336363
mail: peter.hoetzinger@cnty.com
WWW: www.cnty.com
sector: Casinos & Gambling
ISIN: AT0000499900
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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