
NTT Communications Signs Strategic Agreement with ONO to Enhance their Communications Services in Spain

Geschrieben am 25-11-2013

Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) -

- ONO, a leading operator of fiber optic communications in Spain
provides network services to NTT Communications for the expansion of
its Global IP Network

- NTT Communications provides IP transit services to ONO who
benefits from the performance and high quality of the Global IP
Network provider

NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), a wholly owned
subsidiary of the NTT Group , the largest telecommunications provider
in the world, has signed a strategic agreement with ONO, the leading
operator in fiber optic communications in Spain. This agreement will
enhance the capabilities and services that both suppliers offer to
their global customers.

Through this agreement, ONO benefits from the performance and high
quality of NTT Com's Global IP Network to increase its range of
Internet services offered to large customers and operators.
Meanwhile, NTT Com becomes one of the leading providers of IP transit
in Spain and expands its global Tier-1 IP network with two new points
of presence (PoPs) in Valencia and Sevilla, adding to their existing
PoPs in Madrid and Barcelona.

ONO is a leading provider of quadruple-play communications and
entertainment in Spain, supplying broadband Internet, television,
telephone and mobile services to residential customers, SMEs and
large enterprises. ONO provides services to more than seven million
customers throughout Spain.

NTT Com's Tier-1 Global IP Network is a pioneer of IPv6
technology, provides a single global AS (2914) and supplies high
levels of availability and performance. NTT Com is the world's second
largest carrier of Internet traffic and is consistently ranked in the
top 10 in all continents (first in Asia).

About ONO

ONO is the leading fibre optic communication and entertainment
provider in Spain. It offers integrated fixed telephony, mobile
telephony, television and Internet services to its residential
customers. In this segment, it has close to 4.7 million services
contracted (RGUs) and over 7 million users. ONO also offers
value-added telecommunications services to SMEs, large companies and
institutions. ONO has the largest next generation fibre optic network
available in Spain. ONO closed the year 2012 with total earnings of
EUR 1.573 billion and operating profits of EUR M752 (EBITDA).


About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security
and cloud services to optimize the information and communications
technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are
backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including leading
global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One(TM) VPN network
reaching 160 countries/regions, and over 150 secure data centers.
http://www.eu.ntt.com | http://www.twitter.com/NTTE_Spain | Blog:

ots Originaltext: NTT Communications Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

More information: ONO, comunicacion.ono@ono.es, C/Emisora, 20
Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28224 Madrid. NTT Europe, Rebeca Romero,
Rebeca.romero@ntt.eu, Avda. Diagonal 575, Edif. L'illa, 08029
Av. De la Industria, 4, 28224 Madrid, Tel.:+34-902-250-280,


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