Roquette's Microalgae High Lipid Algal Flour Wins Most Innovative Food Ingredient at the 2013 Fi Europe Excellence Awards
Geschrieben am 25-11-2013 |
Frankfurt Am Main, Germany (ots/PRNewswire) -
Roquette's innovative new Microalgae High Lipid Algal Flour has
been recognised as the most innovative food ingredient of 2013.
Successfully reducing fat and replacing eggs while providing
sustainability, health, functionality and cost benefits to producers
and consumers alike. Roquette also took the award for 'Bakery
Innovation of the Year', along with the overall award, the
prestigious 'Most Innovative Food Ingredient Award'. The Fi Europe
Excellence Awards were held on Tuesday 19 November 2013, at the end
of the first day of Food ingredients Europe, the world's leading food
and beverage event. These awards recognise excellence and innovation
for solutions in food ingredients in 7 categories.
(Logo: )
Being a winner in each category endorses the exemplary work and
contribution to the industry and are as follows.
Most Innovative Food Ingredient
ROQUETTE - Roquette Microalgae High Lipid Algal Flour
Confectionery Innovation of the Year
IOI-Loders Croklaan - CristalGreen(R)
Bakery Innovation of the Year
ROQUETTE - Roquette Microalgae High Lipid Algal Flour
Beverage Innovation of the Year
Tate & Lyle - PROMITOR(R) Soluble Gluco Fibre
Dairy Innovation of the Year
Chr. Hansen - SaltLite
Savoury/Meat Innovation of the Year
DSM Food Specialities - MaxiPro HSP
Snacks/On-The-Go Innovation of the Year
Novozymes A/S - Novozymes Acrylaway(R) HighT
Sustainability Initiative of the Year
Symrise AG - simply vanilla(R) - Symrise Sustainable Vanilla
Chairman of judging panel, Peter Wennstrom, commented that:
'Roquette has demonstrated the vision to see the future, a passion to
develop new technology and the guts to invest in a new business area
that meets and embraces the future trends of healthy, sustainable and
tasty nutrition.'
The awards were judged by a leading panel of industry experts who
evaluated the entries on their ability to demonstrate and drive
The judging panel is as follows:
Peter Wennstrom, President & Expert Consultant, The Healthy
Marketing Team
Anita Scholte, Manager - Concept Management, Albert Heijn
Georges Bruelle, Danone Prospective Manager Albert Zwijgers
Unilever Prof. Technology and Ingredients, University of Applied
Sciences, HAS Den Bosch, The Netherlands Innovation agent Food &
Health, Food & Nutrition Delta
John Madden, Global Head of Ingredients Research, Euromonitor
Ian Gordon, Giract Chairman, Giract Sarl
Luis Fernandez, Senior Vice President Global Applications, Tate
and Lyle
Elodie Lebastard, Food Law Manager, EAS
Erika Smith, Sr. Principal Scientist, General Mills
About Fi ingredients Global - the trusted route to market since
Food ingredients was launched in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in
1986. Its portfolio of live events, publications, extensive data,
digital solutions and high-level conferences, are now established
throughout the world and provide regional and global platforms for
all stakeholders, in the food ingredients industry. Over 500,000
people have attended our shows over the years with billions of Euros
worth of business created, as a result. With over 25 years of
excellence, our events, digital solutions and supporting products,
deliver a proven route to market, with a truly global audience. For
more information about the Food ingredients Portfolio please visit:
About the Organiser
UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies
across five continents to develop new business, meet customers,
launch new products, promote their brands and expand their markets.
Through premiere brands such as Fi, NuW, MD&M, CPhI, IFSEC, TFM&A,
Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show and many others, UBM Live
exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications, websites and
training and certification programs are an integral part of the
marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.
UBM Live is a division of United Business Media , a leading global
B2B media provider with 6,500 staff in 40 countries. Incorporated in
1918 as United Newspapers Limited, we live by the motto: "We explore,
we exceed, you excel."
For more information about UBM Live, please visit:
ots Originaltext: UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Nathalie Miller, UBM Live, De Entree 73 Toren A, 1100 AS
Amsterdam Z.O., The Netherlands, Phone: +31(0)20-409-9576, E-mail:
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