The First Pancreatic Cancer Forum Unites Experts in the Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer
Geschrieben am 29-11-2013 |
Madrid (ots/PRNewswire) -
- Pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the
EU and kills 95% of people affected
- Experts from around the world are meeting in Madrid as new discoveries lead to
new hope
Experts in pancreatic cancer from around the world are meeting in
Madrid today with new hope that real advances are within reach.
Pancreatic cancer currently has one of the bleakest prognoses of any
cancer, killing 95% of people diagnosed with the condition.[1]
Pancreatic cancer is currently the fourth most common cause of
cancer death in the EU for men and women.[2] In fact, the pancreas is
the only major cancer site for which no improvements in mortality
rates is predicated for either sex.[2] There have been no new
treatments approved for pancreatic cancer in nearly seven years.[2]
Death rates from the disease are predicted to rise from 7.85 in 2009
to 8.01 in 2013 per 100,000 among men, and from 5.33 to 5.54 per
100,000 among women in same period.[2]
The inauguration of the first Pancreatic Cancer Forum is a strong
sign that things are changing for the better. Barriers to progress
regarding clinical and scientific advances are rapidly being
overcome, and there is a renewed belief that a new wave of treatments
and strategies may soon revolutionise prospects for people diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer.
"Pancreatic cancer is now one of the most rapidly moving areas in
oncology. We've recently made huge leaps in our understanding and are
starting to see the benefits," said Dr Manuel Hidalgo, Head of
Gastrointestinal Cancer at the Spanish National Cancer Research
Centre (CNIO) in Madrid and co-chair of the Pancreatic Cancer Forum.
"This meeting is an important opportunity for some of the leading
international experts in the field to come together to share research
and identify our best chances to make a breakthrough. Our goal is to
define strategies that will lead to an improvement in the survival of
patients with this disease."
"Advances in science are often a result of people from different
disciplines sharing their expertise and discussing new ways of
tackling problems," said Dr Alfredo Carrato, Director of the Medical
Oncology Department at Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Madrid
and co-chair of the Pancreatic Cancer Forum. "I am very excited to
welcome my colleagues to Madrid in the knowledge that people with
pancreatic cancer across the world may be affected by the discussions
we have and the research that is being presented."
The Pancreatic Cancer Forum is being hosted by the CIOCC (Centro
Intregral Oncológico Clara Campal) and supported by COST (European
Cooperation in Science and Technology). The meeting is also being
supported by an educational grant from Celgene International Sárl.
For years, management of pancreatic cancer has struggled to mirror
the success seen with other cancers, such as breast and prostate
cancer. The first Pancreatic Cancer Forum will cover all aspects of
the condition (from its origins and genetics to identifying the
high-risk population to be screened for pancreatic cancer, to current
treatments, new treatment strategies, better designs of clinical
trials and even the prospect of personalised medicine), in the hope
that people with pancreatic cancer will have a better future than is
possible today.
For more information on the Pancreatic Cancer Forum please visit
About pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer death in
the EU for men and women, causing 73,000 deaths in 2009. One of the
most highly fatal cancers, over 95% of people with pancreatic cancer
will die of the condition. This high mortality rate is due to the
fact that in many people the cancer has already spread around the
body by the time they receive a diagnosis. People with pancreatic
cancer may experience weight loss, pain and jaundice prior to
receiving a diagnosis. There is currently no cure for pancreatic
1. Cascinu S, Falconi M, Valentini V, Jelic S on behalf of the
ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Clinical Practice Guidelines.
Pancreatic cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology 21 (Supplement 5):
v55-v58, 2010
2. Malvezzi M et al. European cancer mortality predictions for the
year 2013 Annals of Oncology 2013, 1-9
ots Originaltext: CIOCC (Centro Intregral Oncológico Clara Campal)
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Media enquiries: For more information please contact: Richard
Buchanan Brown, Red Door Communications, Tel: +44-208-392-8041,
Email: ; Ross Taylor, Red Door, Communications,
+44-208-392-8066, Email:
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