DOHA GOALS 2013: WISeKey Presents the 'Fully Connected' Future of Sports: Fan Apps and Stadium Hub Technology Combine for 24/7 Global Engagement
Geschrieben am 11-12-2013 |
DOHA, Qatar and GENEVA, Switzerland (ots) - Speaking at Doha
Goals, the world's premier platform for world leaders to create
initiatives for global progress through sport in Doha, Qatar today,
Carlos Moreira, founder and CEO of the Swiss digital tech pioneering
firm WISeKey, unveiled the company's concept of 'A Fully Connected
Future for Sport'. This concept sees WISeKey's Digital Stadium and
WISfans team apps function in tandem to bring sports teams and their
fans a fully-connected, 360 degree, 24/7 fully vibrant sports
experience and brand engagement.
Major sports events are ideal opportunities to leverage
cutting-edge technologies to increase the quality of experience. As
the penetration of smartphones continues, they can become the hub of
the customer's experience, linked to their ticket, their seat, their
favorite food offerings, their modes of transport, and most
importantly, to the sporting event on show.
Clubs understand that their stadium venues and fan bases are
tremendous assets in building and sustaining their global brands. The
stadia of the future will function as hubs that centralize and
aggregate all the team's aggregated media content. Clubs also realize
that the technology can unlock the powerful combination of exclusive
team and player content, combined with fan-generated content,
directly managed by the team's from its own social media platform,
In his presentation, Mr. Moreira stated "By 2022 technology will
enable clubs to provide a live international telecast of the event in
hologram format, which would allow fans to go to a stadium and watch
it played out as though it was real. This can work both ways: as well
as going to an empty stadium and watching a hologram version of a
game, clubs or players could play in an empty stadium, fill it up and
increase the volume of the fans through an App, and feel like they
are playing at Wembley. It's a mixing of the virtual and the physical
in both worlds."
Carlos Moreira added that, "The iconic club Real Madrid, for
example, has 80 million paying fans but there are additional 700
million declared fans around the world, in China, India, and around
the world that have yet to be engaged. So how can they reach out to
these fans? Through technology, and specifically, by turning stadia
into media hubs and inviting fans to personalize the fan experience
and share their content throughout the official fan ecosystem by
using our WISfans app to transform their mobile phones into terminals
connected to the club's stadium/media hub.
"Will our kids mind that they are not watching the real thing? I
don't think so. The new wave of fans are so used to seeing Lionel
Messi or Neymar do tricks on computer games that I don't think they
mind if they don't see the real thing. They are used to 3-D versions
and if you have to pay $5,000 for a live game, or $10 for the 3-D
version, they will pay the $10. This technology could be ready within
five or ten years, as soon as that and for sure during the World Cup
Qatar 2022."
See the technology in action at:
Press contacts:
WISeKey Satu Kulmala Tel +41 22 594 3005
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