Matthew McConaughey Presents Esteemed Critics' Choice Louis XIII® Genius Award to Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy and Richard Linklater
Geschrieben am 17-01-2014 |
Los Angeles (ots/PRNewswire) -
LOUIS XIII & Broadcast Film Critics Association Honor the 'Before'
Trio at
the 19th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards
LOUIS XIII Cognac, the world's most esteemed spirit from the House
of Rémy Martin(R), and the Broadcast Film Critics Association
bestowed the second annual "Critics' Choice LOUIS XIII Genius Award"
to Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy and Richard Linklater presented by actor
Matthew McConaughey at the 19th annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards
ceremony. The writer-actor-director trio received the honor for
demonstrating unprecedented excellence in the cinematic arts. LOUIS
XIII is celebrated globally as a genius blend of superb cognacs and
is committed to recognizing genius in other creative areas.
(Photo: )
As the collaborators responsible for one of cinema's most
compelling and unique romantic sagas, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy
and Ethan Hawke created a trilogy that captures the passage of time
and the legacy of romance. The genius of their approach to this
extended love story lies in its unvarnished honesty. Nearly 20 years
ago in the film "Before Sunrise," a romance ignited between two soul
mates on a train to Vienna and defined a generation. In the decades
that followed, that generation grew up and the complicated characters
played by Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke matured right along with them.
In 2004's "Before Sunset" and 2013's "Before Midnight," the
conversation between the French Céline and American Jesse continued
to unfold in real time - a special cinematic effect which has long
fascinated Richard Linklater.
"The 'Before' films are more than a love story, they've evolved
into a cinematic project about life itself, about maturing, making
decisions and living with the consequences," said Joey Berlin,
president of the Broadcast Film Critics Association which gives out
the Critics' Choice Awards. "It is a filmmaking experiment that
captures the passage of time in its own unique way. At this moment in
time, Linklater, Delpy and Hawke have created a peerless trilogy. We
cannot wait to see how it matures into a quadrilogy and beyond."
"We are honored to partner with the Broadcast Film Critics
Association for the second time to present the Critics' Choice LOUIS
XIII Genius Award," said Augustin Depardon, Global Marketing
Director, LOUIS XIII. "The genius collaboration of these three
creative artists bestows a legacy for future generations of
For more information on LOUIS XIII please visit
Link to photos:
Photo credit: Ari Perilstein/Getty Images for LOUIS XIII
About LOUIS XIII de Rémy Martin
LOUIS XIII Cognac was created in 1874 by the House of Rémy Martin
founded in 1724. It is an intricate alchemy blended from 1,200
eaux-de-vie, created from grapes grown in the chalky soils of Grande
Champagne, the best growing area of the Cognac region, France. This
cognac ages up to 100 years in specially crafted barrels called
tierçons. Four generations of cellar masters have worked to oversee
the unique blend, which evokes tasting notes and scents of myrrh,
honey, immortelle, plum, honeysuckle, wood bark, leather and passion
fruits, making it the most complex and most prestigious Cognac in the
About The Broadcast Film Critics Association:
The Broadcast Film Critics Association (BFCA) is the largest film
critics organization in the United States and Canada, representing
more than 270 television, radio and online critics. BFCA members are
the primary source of information for today's film going public. The
very first opinion a moviegoer hears about new releases at the
multiplex or the art house usually comes from one of its members.
ots Originaltext: Cognac Louis XIII
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: Jennifer Giuliano, Luxury Management Group,
+1-310-854-4755, ; Amy Fuller, Luxury
Group, +1-310-854-4877,
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