Twenty-five World-class Studies to Make Their Grand Debut at the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
Geschrieben am 19-02-2014 |
Quebec (ots/PRNewswire) -
The cooperative movement plays a key role in the global economy,
representing over a million businesses with a billion members
employing 100 million workers. Despite their great resilience in the
wake of the 2008 financial crisis, cooperatives are no strangers to
financing, capitalization, innovation, efficiency, governance,
training, and job retention challenges, as well as shifting
The 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives is the cooperative
community's largest international business event. It aims to help
cooperative and mutual businesses achieve their full potential. Just
as in years past, this year's event will bring together managers,
decision makers, and other key players from the cooperative and
mutual movement to learn about the latest international studies and
to discuss solutions to the problems they face. These studies serve
as management tools to help boost performance.
The Summit also provides an opportunity for cooperative businesses
to demonstrate their key role in solving two challenges faced by all
of humankind: food security and health care accessibility. The Summit
aims to further this role by welcoming a number of internationally
recognized experts to debut the results from more than twenty-five
Study highlights: Complete details on the studies are available
- Topic: Food Security
The Rise of the Rural Entrepreneur - Book Update
Author: Rabobank
Synopsis: As the world population grows and lives longer, we rely on farmers to
provide a sustainable food supply. But farmers everywhere face food production
challenges that prevent them from producing more with fewer resources, being
sustainable and using innovative technology. This study on "rural entrepreneurs"
examines issues of succession, sustainability, supply chain, the search for solutions,
and social media as a means of connecting farmers and consumers.
- Topic: Health and Social Care Services
Banking for Health
Author: World Health Organization (WHO)
Synopsis: There is now global recognition of the relationship between macroeconomics,
finance, and health. There is also considerable evidence demonstrating the detrimental
impacts that financial crises and macroeconomic responses to address them can have on
health equity and illness. By addressing the social determinants of health, there is
significant potential for the banking sector to play an important role in improving
health and social development, promoting universal health coverage, and reducing
poverty and inequity. Cooperative banks in particular are well placed to benefit from
such a role.
- Topic: Employment
Unemployment affects over 200 million people. How can cooperatives make a difference?
Author: CICOPA
Synopsis: The Global Report on Cooperatives and Employment will present the status of
employment in cooperatives around the world, through both quantitative and qualitative
analysis. This enables us to estimate the number of jobs created or maintained by
cooperatives, identify their specificities, discover the factors of sustainable and
decent employment in cooperatives, and propose corresponding recommendations. The
study examines ten regions in the world where cooperatives play a tangible role in
- Topic: Economics, Financing and Capitalization
Cracking the Organizational Code for Growth and Effectiveness in the Cooperative
Banking and Mutual Insurance Sectors Author: Oliver Wyman
Synopsis: To achieve sustainable growth, organizations from the finance and insurance
sectors have centred their attention and focus on strategic questions. Nevertheless,
organizational elements directly impact the ability of these entities to successfully
implement their objectives. Oliver Wyman will share the results of a study that
examines the organizational attributes evidenced in cooperative banks and mutual
insurers and their level of performance, making it possible to identify, qualify, and
quantify the best practices for achieving sustainable growth in these markets.
- Topic: Developing Cooperative and Mutual Enterprises
Member Driven Strategies - Leveraging Cooperatives' Competitive Advantage
Author: Bain & Company
Synopsis: Cooperatives and mutuals are in a unique position to be leaders in
delivering a superior member experience, yet few are realizing this opportunity. Our
study will review the current state of member-centric strategies in the cooperative
sector-highlighting successes, challenges, and opportunities. It will also outline the
path forward for cooperatives to enhance their competitiveness by putting the member
at the centre of everything they do.
- Topic: Developing Cooperative and Mutual Enterprises
Disruptive Technologies: Advances that will Transform Life, Business, and the Global
Economy Author: McKinsey & Company
New technologies are appearing every day, and some will leave a lasting mark on our
business and social landscapes. It is therefore critical that business and policy
leaders understand which technologies will matter to them and prepare accordingly.
Many new technologies are disintermediation human interactions from business
interactions, putting one of the strongest pillars of the cooperative movement at
risk. At the same time, however, technological shifts can enable new ways to engage
members more deeply. This study examines twelve technologies set to shake up the
market, as well as their inherent risks and opportunities and strategies for how to
"The calibre of the participants and studies to be unveiled at the
International Summit of Cooperatives makes it a can't-miss event not
only for cooperative actors, but also for the private sector and
decision makers from around the world. The Summit has become the
Davos for cooperatives and mutuals."
Monique F. Leroux, Desjardins Group, Chair of the Board, President
and CEO and Summit Co-host
"The range of topics covered by the Summit is proof-positive that
the cooperative and mutual model offers invaluable solutions to the
world's social and economic challenges. The Summit provides fertile
ground for growing the cooperative movement."
Dame Pauline Green, International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
President and Summit Co-host
Online registration for the 2014 International Summit of
Cooperatives is now open.
Participants: Journalists:
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About the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives Decision
makers and influencers from the international cooperative and mutual
community will gather in Quebec City, Canada, from October 6 to 9 for
the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives. The Summit's bold,
ambitious themes will garner the attention and interest of
cooperatives from around the globe as well as world leaders and
For further information:
Information (for journalists only) :
Vanessa Roland
Media Relations
International Summit of Cooperatives
TACT Intelligence-conseil
+ 1-514-667-0196, ext. 405
Jan Schiettecatte
Director of Communications
International Co-operative Alliance
+32-2-285-00 76
ots Originaltext: 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
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