
Worldhotels announces strategic partnership with yoo2 / Yoo2 Taksim Square in Istanbul is first yoo2 to join the Worldhotels portfolio

Geschrieben am 04-03-2014

Frankfurt (ots) - Worldhotels announces its strategic partnership
with yoo2, the exciting new lifestyle hotel brand from yoo, the
leading design company founded by international property entrepreneur
John Hitchcox and renowned designer Philippe Starck. yoo2 creates
original stories through iconic design, with innovative and vibrant
destination-led hotels, and has selected Worldhotels as its ideal
partner. The first yoo2 hotel to join Worldhotels' exclusive
portfolio is Yoo2 Taksim Square in Istanbul.

Yoo2 Taksim Square is located within walking distance of central
Istanbul attractions such as the Taksim Gezi Park and the Atatürk
Cultural Centre, and offers 59 exclusively designed guest rooms with
views over the Bosphorus. Guests can enjoy traditional and modern
Turkish cuisine, as well as international dishes, at the hotel's
renowned restaurant.

The new partnership reflects Worldhotels' ambition to expand its
global portfolio with unique high-quality hotels in key destinations
worldwide. Yoo2 Taksim Square complements the Worldhotels offering in
Istanbul, which includes ten hotels.

yoo Hotel's Chief Operating Officer, Marco Nijhof says: "With its
tagline 'Where Discovery Starts' and its aim to offer modern
travellers unique and authentic experiences, Worldhotels is the ideal
partner to represent our yoo2 brand. The group offers the best in
class distribution technology, sales and marketing tools and will
drive maximum results for our yoo2 hotels."

"We are proud to tie up with one of the most innovative design
boutique hotel groups", comments Paulo Salvador, Worldhotels' Chief
Marketing Officer. "The global partnership with the yoo2 brand is an
important milestone, enabling us to expand our network with more
unique and authentic hotels worldwide. Istanbul is a strategically
important destination and the Yoo2 Taksim Square an ideal addition to
our portfolio in the city. We are looking forward to working with the
yoo2 team to accelerate our mutual growth and strengthen our brand

Media contacts:
Veronika Bahnmann
+49 (0) 69 660 56 - 259

Hannah Cox
Camron PR
Tel: (+44) 0207 420 1700


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