
Pay Invoices in One Mouse Click

Geschrieben am 05-03-2014

Terhulpen, Belgium, Utrecht, The Netherlands And Erembodegem,
Belgium (ots/PRNewswire) -

Ultimate convenience for customers and billers with One Click Pay
and Maestro

From now on, email invoices can be paid in a single mouse click,
with One Click Pay and Maestro. UnifiedPost, PaySquare and Paybox are
launching this new, fast payment method in conjunction with
MasterCard in the Belgium market. The ultimate convenience of One
Click Pay facilitates faster invoice payment. Energy supplier Eni
Belgium is the first to offer this new payment method to its

One click and it's paid

One Click Pay eliminates the need to enter reference numbers,
invoice amounts and credit accounts. Only the initial email invoice
needs to be paid using the debit card and the bank's card reader. In
subsequent invoices the same card information is automatically
populated and encrypted, allowing the customer to make future
payments quickly and securely with a single mouse click. Customers
remain in control of their budget at all times by checking and
approving each e-bill. Invoices are stored in PDF format in an online
archive for two years.

Facilitating faster payment

The tool is suited for companies with a large number of recurring
invoices, for example energy, water and telecommunications providers.
With One Click Pay, businesses can simplify the invoicing processes
and offer their customers ultimate payment convenience, facilitating
faster payment as a result.

Retail Director Jan Dobbenie of Eni: "One Click Pay is right in
line with our motto, 'simplicity in energy'. As a supplier of
electricity and natural gas, we want to make a difference by offering
our customers simple and innovative solutions. This new payment
method is a perfect example of this."

David Dechamps, General Manager Benelux of MasterCard: "We wanted
to bring a fast and easy payment solution for today's consumer which
would also result in a reduction in late payments for businesses.
This tool is available on the web right now but will soon be
accessible on a variety of devices, including the smartphone."

More information and animation about One Click Pay, please visit
[http://www.oneclickpay.be/index.php?language=EN ].


About UnifiedPost

UnifiedPost is a leading provider of end-to-end business-process
optimisation services, including document processing and payments,
all delivered in a SaaS model. We provide complete document
communication solutions - multi-channel electronic invoices,
electronic administrative documents and legal e-archiving -
complemented by extensive payments solutions, payment conversion and
SEPA mandate management, e-identity and credit management services.
Via proprietary solutions and through an international partner
network, UnifiedPost offers solutions that are tailor-made to its
customers' needs, all focused on providing the latter with a high
level of visibility and control over their business processes.
UnifedPost was founded in 2001 and operates offices in Belgium, the
Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Romania.

About PaySquare

Companies can use PaySquare to accept, process and make a wide
variety of payments for virtually any debit or credit card brand.
PaySquare processes a total of 262 million card transactions annually
for a total of 120,000 customers in the Benelux countries, Germany,
Poland, France, Austria, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. It also
supplies and maintains point-of-sale terminals and ATMs. PaySquare
combines its international payment services with a local approach.

This is because we are part of Equens SE, one of the largest
payment processors in Europe. PaySquare is headquartered in Utrecht,
the Netherlands, and it has local branches in Frankfurt, Germany and
Warsaw, Poland.

For more information about PaySquare, go to

About Point/Paybox

Point/Paybox offers a wide variety of payment services to
merchants in both virtual and physical worlds. Its central platform
provides an easy integration of all major payment methods available
in the European market. Continuous investments have made Point/Paybox
one of the leading payment services providers in Europe, with more
than 25,000 active merchants, 30 different payment methods supported
and more than 120 million transactions processed annually.
Point/Paybox is a VeriFone company, a global leader in secure
electronic payment solutions with approximately 5,000 employees.

For more information about Paybox, please visit

ots Originaltext: PaySquare SE, UnifiedPost and Paybox
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

If you have any questions concerning the content of this press
release, please contact PaySquare: Annemieke Lambregts, tel +31(0)30
283 50
27. For more information about UnifiedPost, please contact: Tom Totté
Sales Manager, tom.totte@unifiedpost.com, Monica Gaza - Marketing &


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