EuromaidanSOS Kiew/Krim in cooperation with Euromaidan Wache Berlin / Alternative Botschaft gives first press conference in Western Europe
Geschrieben am 12-03-2014 |
Kiew/Berlin (ots) -
Date / Location: Thursday, March 13, 2014, 10.00 a.m., Heinrich Böll
Stiftung, 10117 Berlin, Schumannstr. 8, Großer Saal 1, language:
Crimea: Euromaidan activists abducted! - After Kiev Ukraine might
face second tragedy inCrimean and Eastern Ukraine
Ukrainian aid and Maidan support organisation EuromaidanSOS
invites the international press for a press conference to Heinrich
Böll Stiftung in Berlin. The urgency of the event is motivated and
based on new information and research results, new facts and
happenings in Kiew after the shootings in February, the actual events
in the Crimean and eastern Ukraine regions.
The reason for the current press conference is the new information
about alarming events on the Crimean peninsula and in Eastern
Ukraine we got during the last days. Yesterday the EuromaidanSOS
activist Igor Kiroschenko alongside with his friends (the precise
quantity of them is still unknown) has been abducted from his
apartment in Crimea. Since then nobody knows, where he is. Just
recently two female journalists have been arrested by pro-russian
special forces at the border of Crimea. One officer has said, that
this arrest will "increase the death toll of the 'Heavenly Hundred'
from Maidan square to 102". EuromaidanSOS has knowledge about several
similar incidents.
Because of theEuromaidanSOS fears, that the current development of
the situation will lead to the second tragedy, similar or, even,
worse than the sniper shootings on Maidan square in February. Because
of this EuromaidanSOS has decided to organize this conference in
order to inform the journalists and the public in Europe and ask for
help with correct information and to prevent the further conflict
escalation in Ukraine.
Almost every day the death toll of victims of the shootings on
Maidan increases in Kiev. Doctors are suspicious, whether bullets of
the shootings have been infected, because many patients suffer heavy
infections of unusual kind. More than 200 persons are still missed in
Kiev after the Maidan-demonstrations. Again and again there are
rumours thatparts of bodies have been found in the catacombs under
Mariinsky park nearby of the parliament building. The information
isn't provedor discredited. EuromaidanSOS has a reason for the
presumption that parts of Berkut special forces are still operating
in brutal ways not only in Crimea but in Eastern parts in Ukraine.
Injured people and patients are still in fear of getting abducted and
killed. The humanitarian situation is very badaneed help.
With its press conference EuromaidanSOS wants to inform about the
whole situation in Kiew and Crimea and present new information and
research results, as well as to urgently ask Europe for help, as it
has been promised. This help needs to be diversified and consists not
only in evacuation of 22 heavy injured people.
EuromaidanSOS is considered to be the main organisation legally
supporting the Maidan victims and protesters. It is a non profit
organisation, supporting the Maidan movement, the freedom and human
rights in Ukraine. Since November 2013 the organisation works in
direct contact with doctors, hospitals, funds, and other Maidan
organisations and initiatives. It is intensively active with research
of the dead, injured and missed people. Since the beginning of the
Crimean crisis EuromaidanSOS has sent a few information teams to
Crimea in order to investigate the truth behind the propaganda
manifesting from the peninsula.
From Kyiv EuromaidanSOS are arriving for the conference:
Ivanyk Mariia, Coordinator Legal Affairs EuromaidanSOS , Kyiv
Alessandra Alissa Novitchkova, Coordinator Foreign Cooperation and
International Relations EuromaidanSOS, Senior Lecturer at Kyiv Mohyla
Academy, Kyiv
Olga Sergeieva, Coordinator "Maidan Families", Information about
death people, injured and missing people, and their relatives, Kyiv
Christian Seidel, EuromaidanSOS Europe und Maidan Help Project
Natalyia Schapeler, Euromaidan Wache Berlin /Alternative
Christian Seidel / EuromaidanSOS Europe / Tel.: 01577 8905127, Email:
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