Red Arrow International's World Cup Special "Mata Mata" picked up in Scandinavia
Geschrieben am 17-03-2014 |
Munich (ots) - Sweden's SVT, Finland's Yle, and Denmark's DR
networks have secured rights to broadcast Red Arrow International's
"Mata Mata". All three public broadcasters are planning to air the
factual 1 x 90' special during their coverage of the FIFA World Cup
"Mata Mata" (literally "kill-kill") is the Brazilian term for a
"knockout match", a win-or-go-home battle as well as a metaphor for
life. With unique access to the hidden circles pulling the strings in
the background but also to intimate private moments, "Mata Mata"
follows Brazilian football talents - Danilo, Thiago, Dante - for
almost 3 years in their fight to fulfill their dreams.
Daniel Zackrisson, Acquisitions Executive at SVT: ""Mata Mata" is
the perfect complement to our World Cup coverage. It is exciting to
see the Brazilian boys' journey from the Favelas to the big arenas."
Anders Bruus, Acquisition Executive (Documentaries & Factual) at
DR says: "We look forward to bringing this unique and spectacular
documentary to our audience leading up to the World Cup this summer.
It's a rare insight behind the closed doors in the world of football
- and a universal story about how little things can make the big
difference in the careers of the young football talents."
Tim Gerhartz, Senior Sales Manager Scandinavia at Red Arrow
International says: "By peaking behind the closed doors of the
football business, "Mata Mata" reveals the world of football as we've
never seen it before. Director-producer Jens Hoffmann has made the
perfect special to air during the World Cup."
About "Mata Mata"
Produced by F24 Film for Germany's SWR/ ARD, "Mata Mata" is an
intimate portrait of rising football talents and the world of the
football business.
Telling stories about fame and defeat, about the true lives of
sons, families and their agents, "Mata Mata" features Brazilian
football players starting at age 15 in different stages of their
careers: 17-year-old Danilo, flooded by offers from the most
important European clubs. Bayer Leverkusen's 18-year-old central
defender Carlinhos. FC Bayern Munich defender Dante, still dreaming
of being called to the Brazilian National Team for the World Cup 2014
at the age of 30.
Crucial changes in fate shape gripping stories - of failure and
success. Without using a narrator, "Mata Mata" links motion picture
images maintaining the look and feel of a feature film with human
stories and defining moments of fear and disappointment, but also of
hope and joy.
About SVT
Sveriges Television (SVT) is the Swedish non-commercial public
service television company. It has the widest range of programming of
all broadcasters in Sweden.
In 2012 SVT1 was the biggest national channel and also received
the highest ranking by the Swedish audience. Today SVT operates eight
channels - seven national: SVT1, SVT2, SVT1 HD, SVT2 HD, SVT24,
Barnkanalen, Kunskapskanalen (run together with UR û the Swedish
Educational Broadcasting Company) and one international channel, SVT
All SVT channels are digital only. All are distributed via all
kinds of platforms. Advertising is not allowed but sponsoring of
sports events is. The programming covers the whole genre spectrum.
About Yle
Yle is Finland's national public service broadcasting company. Yle
operates four national television channels and six radio channels,
complemented by a versatile online supply and simulcast HD
Yle's television channels have always been popular. Today Yle's
share of daily television viewing is approx. 42%. Yle's TV, radio and
internet programmes reach 99% of the Finnish population. 98% of the
people who follow Yle programmes are satisfied with them. The public
considers Yle to be a reliable source of news and current affairs.
The company plays a major role in producing and presenting drama,
factual programmes and documentaries, as well as lifestyle and
entertainment and children's programmes. Yle acquires annually ca.
5,000 hours of programming from abroad. Yle's public service also
covers special groups and minorities.
About Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR)
Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) is Denmark's national public
service broadcaster acquiring and showing a large number of
documentary films each week. The weekly primetime feature-length
documentary strand Dokumania on DR2 is showcasing the world's best
award-winning documentary films from all around the world.
About Red Arrow International
Red Arrow International is a leading distributor with an extensive
slate of scripted, factual and format designs, guaranteeing a strong
portfolio with programs by Red Arrow Entertainment Group and third
party producers.
Red Arrow International has a unique expertise in packaging, co-
financing and co-producing international drama, such as Netflix'
first original drama "Lilyhammer" and "Jo", starring Jean Reno.
Red Arrow International boasts a strong track record in building
format franchises such as "Benidorm Bastards" with 25 local versions
including NBC's "Betty White's Off Their Rockers", and ABC's "The
Red Arrow International has a global reach with offices in Munich,
Los Angeles and Hong Kong and making sales in over 150 territories.
Red Arrow International is part of Red Arrow Entertainment Group,
incorporating 15 TV production companies spanning across 9 countries.
Red Arrow Entertainment Group belongs to ProSiebenSat.1 Group, one of
Europe's leading media groups.
ProSiebenSat.1 Group
Stefanie Prinz
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone +49 [89] 95 07-1199
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-91199
Red Arrow International
Isabelle Fedyk
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone +49 [89] 95 07-2320
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-2321
Email: Isabelle.Fedyk
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