WISeKey showcases latest Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies at BaselWorld to lead the fight against Counterfeit and Imitations
Geschrieben am 31-03-2014 |
Geneva, Switzerland (ots) - WISeKey is present with its
anti-counterfeiting technology at BaselWorld 2014 to demonstrate to
the Luxury Goods Market the latest technology deployed with several
leading Swiss watch manufacturers. WISeKey's anti-counterfeiting
technologies revolutionized the fine timepiece industry when first
launched at BaselWorld in 2009 together with Hublot. Earlier this
year Hublot announced at Davos the extension of the cooperation with
WISeKey for another 3 years.
The collaboration launched in 2009 has made Hublot a leader in the
field of digital identification and authenticity protection. All
Hublot watches are protected by WISeAuthentic®, the authenticity
certification system based on WISeKey technology, and the 69 Hublot
boutiques and 750 points of sale across the world are equipped with
the system for activating and reading this new digital certificate.
It also led to the creation of "Hublotista.com", an exclusive club
which connects all the Hublot watch owners worldwide.
Counterfeiting is a big problem for the luxury goods industry, and
especially for the watch industry. In 2011, the Swiss watch industry
exported watches worth 19.278 billion Swiss francs. More than 50,000
people in Switzerland work in the Swiss watch industry. It is
estimated that 40 million counterfeited watches are offered for sale
each year. This means damage of approximately 800 million Swiss
francs per year. All these figures show that the watch industry is
greatly affected by this scourge and thus has a major interest in the
fight against counterfeiting at the most important trade show for
this sector.
"Sometimes buyers know they're not getting the real deal when they
acquired counterfeited watches. But more and more often, buyers pay
full market price for a forgery, thinking they're getting the genuine
item. The latter instances are what we call true counterfeits, and
these represent the gravest threats to legitimate manufacturers and
the buying public", said Carlos Moreira, CEO of WISeKey.
WISeKey has continued to enhance the technology to better empower
brands, consumers, distributors, governments and vendors to
distinguish genuine goods from illegal imitations. Foremost among
these developments is the deployment of laser engraving, Nano
particles and connected watches via NFC tags and iBeacon, using
different form factors other than standard smartcards, which can be
embedded into products across markets, from consumer goods to
manufacturing. Along with supporting the patented WISeAuthentic
encryption technology, these tags allow authentication of genuine
products for the life of the item, control of the gray market, easier
sales monitoring, and a direct marketing channel between the brand
and the consumer. The advancements in this WISeKey technology can
apply to product and object segments as diverse as smartphones, cars,
alarm systems, semiconductors, industrial sensors and household
appliances. In the near future, all of these objects will be fully
connected to the Internet, enabling intercommunication and autonomous
trusted machine-to-machine (M2M) data transfer.
For more information: http://www.wiseauthentic.com
Watch Video on NFC at BaselWorld
Press contacts:
WISeKey, Satu Kulmala, Tel +41 22 594 3005, skulmala@wisekey.com
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