
Airport Cities Opens in Kuala Lumpur

Geschrieben am 31-03-2014

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (ots/PRNewswire) -

Progressive discussion into latest Airport Cities developments
expected at annual conference and exhibition

The 13th Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition, the global
event for the creation and development of airport cities, will
formally open today in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The event is the
global platform providing thought leadership, best practice,
innovation and high-level debate and discussion around the creation
and development of airport cities.

Hosted by Malaysia Airports and supported by ACI World, UKTI, CIDB
Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia, Malaysia
Convention & Exhibition Bureau and Visit Malaysia, Airport Cities
2014 has attracted some high level speakers to its thought-provoking

Confirmed speakers include; Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad, Managing
Director, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), David Fei,
President and CEO, Taoyuan International Airport Corporation, Atty.
Arnel Casanova, President, Bases Conversion Development Authority,
The Philippines, Tri S. Sunoko, President, Angkasa Pura II, S G K
Kishore, Chief Executive Officer, GMR Airports - New Delhi and
Hyderabad International Airports and Patrick Ong CEO, Macau
International Airport amongst others.

Airport Cities Chairman, John D. Kasarda, Director for Air
Commerce, Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North
Carolina commented "Kuala Lumpur promises to be the most information
packed Airport Cities conference to date. With its worldwide airport
city and aerotropolis developments, opportunities, and challenges
will be addressed with especially in-depth coverage by leaders from
the Asia-Pacific region, I expect the event to be both engaging and

Adrian Newton, Group Director - Transport and Technology, UBM
Live, stated "a unique element of attending this conference is the
opportunity for attendees to observe first-hand a major aerotropolis
in evolution. Maximising its highly lucrative location, Malaysia
Airport's KLIA Aeropolis plan strives to maximise Malaysia's unique
position in the region, and turn the airport city into a destination
in its own right. In addition to learning about this airport-anchored
urban economic region in the making, the conference programme will
provide delegates with unique insights into some of the most exciting
and innovative airport city and aerotropolis models from around the

Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad said "Malaysia Airports is pleased for
Malaysia to be the first Asian country in the Southern hemisphere,
and also the first Asian country outside China to host the event.
This will be a great platform for us to discuss our own Aeropolis
development and will generate business and commercial development
opportunities related to expansion of airport cities. We hope all
delegates will have a fruitful conference and gain extensive
knowledge on airport cities."

Some of the conference sessions include; Introducing the Emerging
Asian Airport Cities; Understanding the Importance of Stakeholder
Alignment and Governance in a successful Airport City Development;
and The Role of Airport Cities in Urban Renewal and Economic
Development, amongst other topical and engaging topics.

In addition to the conference and exhibition, which will form the
core elements of Airport Cities 2014, delegates will also have the
chance to experience some of the highlights of Kuala Lumpur firsthand
with a dedicated site tour of klia2, Kuala Lumpur International
Airport's newest terminal and the world's largest purpose-built
terminal for low cost carriers. The tour will subsequently include a
sightseeing trip to the garden city of Putrajaya, located in the
heart of the lavish Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) they will also be
able to experience an F1 experience around the Sepang International

The 2014 event will continue to unite the entire 'airport city
community' with senior decision makers attending from airports,
economic development agencies, financial institutions, real estate
and urban development companies, industry suppliers and global and
regional businesses.

Notes to Editors

About Global Airport Cities

- GlobalAirportCities.com is the online community website for attendees of
the annual Airport Cities World conference and Exhibition (ACE), and anyone with an
interest in the issues surrounding airport cities and aerotropoli.
- During its 13-year journey around the globe, a number of major international
airports and pioneers of the Aerotropolis concept have hosted the Airport Cities
conference, including Dubai, Detroit, Rome, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Beijing, Dallas,
Memphis, Denver, Ekurhuleni and now Kuala Lumpur.
- The Airport Cities brand was acquired by UBM in 2012 and from 1st August 2012
Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition, the Aerotropolis events and the Routes and
ASM businesses became part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.
- UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five
continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their
brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI, IFSEC,
TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of events,
Aerotropolis Americas, Aerotropolis EMEA and Airport Cities, UBM Live exhibitions,
conferences, awards programs, publications, websites and training and certification
programs are an integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20
industry sectors. http://www.ubmlive.com

Follow us on twitter: @AirportCities
[http://twitter.com@AirportCities ] #AirportCitiesKL

About UBM plc

- UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and communications
company. We help businesses do business, bringing the world's buyers and sellers
together at events and online, as well as producing and distributing news and
specialist content. Our 5,500 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into
expert teams which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do
business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
- For more information, go to http://www.ubm.com; follow us on Twitter at
@UBM_plc [http://twitter.com/UBM_plc ] to get the latest UBM corporate news; follow
@UBM for news from all UBM's businesses; follow @UBM for a flavour of UBM from
selected members of UBM's Twitterati.

About Malaysia Airports

Malaysia Airports manages and operates 39 airports in Malaysia: 5
international, 16 domestic and 18 Short Take-Off and Landing Ports
(STOL Ports). It also has operations in India and Turkey. On November
30, 1999, Malaysia Airports became the first airport company to be
listed in Asia.

KL International Airport (KLIA), its flagship airport was thrice
voted as the Best Airport (15-25 million passengers per annum) in the
2005 AETRA awards, 2006 ACI-ASQ awards and 2007 ACI-ASQ awards while
the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT-KLIA) was named CAPA Low Cost
Airport of the Year at the CAPA Aviation Awards for Excellence 2006.
KLIA has also taken a big stride in the realisation of becoming a
global integrated hub by launching the Next Generation Hub concept,
an initiative aiming to position the ultra-modern airport as a
complete hub for all.

Malaysia Airports has also received numerous awards that
acknowledged its commitment in service, community engagement,
corporate responsibility and organisational excellence.

Follow us on twitter @MY_Airports [http://twitter.co.@MY_Airports

ots Originaltext: Global Airport Cities UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Aiport Cities - For further press information please contact:
Catherine Makrandreou, Marketing Manager
Airport Cities, T: +44 (0) 161 234 2777
E: catherine.makrandreou@ubm.com
Malaysia Airports - For further press information, kindly contact:
Nik Anis
Nik Zakaria (General Manager, Corporate Communications) at
019-3350272 /
or Faisally Ahmad Rusdy at 019-2237367 or Salmah Yaakob at
019-6757585 or
email: media@malaysiaairports.com.my


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