European Researchers Invited to Submit Study Proposals for Bristol-Myers Squibb's Partnering for Cure(TM) Virology Research Programme
Geschrieben am 08-04-2014 |
Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -
Partnering for Cure is Bristol-Myers Squibb's flagship,
scientific initiative supporting breakthrough research and
facilitating greater
collaboration and knowledge-sharing with the virology community
In advance of this year's International Liver CongressTM 2014 in
London, England, Bristol-Myers Squibb invites European researchers to
submit innovative research ideas that aim to cure chronic virological
diseases. As part of Bristol-Myers Squibb's ongoing commitment in
virology, these projects provide an opportunity for researchers,
particularly junior faculty and young investigators, to accelerate
novel solutions that could lead to cures in HIV, hepatitis B (HBV)
and hepatitis C (HCV).
This latest round of research applications will be accepted from 1
May to 15 July 2014 and aspiring scientists are encouraged to submit
their ideas at Priority will be
given to research proposals in the area of translational science with
a clear relevance for the clinical development of a cure in viral
hepatitis or HIV infection.
Partnering for Cure is led by the Partnering for CureFaculty, an
expert panel of clinical and research experts from across Europe and
focuses on three pillars - education, scientific exchange and
scientific research. The Faculty will award up to four recipients in
a blinded evaluation after applications close. The four research
applicants will share between them just over EUR300,000 in support
from Bristol-Myers Squibb.
"This year, we were proud to announce our first class of
Partnering for Cureresearch programme recipients in January," said
Professor Jürgen Rockstroh, Partnering for Cure Faculty Chair. "Now
we're looking for even more proposals to expand our clinical network
and continuing the fight against chronic viral diseases through the
2014 Partnering for Cure research programme."
Matthieu Perreau, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Service Immunologie et Allergie, Switzerland, was one of the four
Partnering for Cure research programme recipients last year, awarded
for his research, Identification of the memory CD4 T-cell
population(s) harbouring replication competent HIV-1 within lymphoid
"This grant has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my
passion and make an impact in the virology community," remarks
Perreau. "It is an honour to be part of this exciting initiative, and
I look forward to working with my research colleagues to find a
"Bristol-Myers Squibb has a longstanding vision of continuing to
transform the treatment of viral diseases and fulfilling serious
unmet medical needs of patients," said George Hanna, MD, vice
president, HIV Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb. "We look forward to
this year's applications and supporting the upcoming generation of
researchers and scientists who are dedicated to improving treatments
and delivering true advances in patient care."
The projects that will receive support from Bristol-Myers Squibb
will be announced on World AIDS Day - 1 December 2014.
About Partnering for Cure
Partnering for Cure is a European medical education programme
developed as part of Bristol-Myers Squibb's ongoing commitment to
virology research, education and transforming clinical outcomes for
patients with chronic viral diseases. The programme focuses on recent
and ongoing cure research in HIV, HBV and HCV.
The objectives of the programme are to:
- Provide medical education to physicians interested in virology cure
- Provide support to researchers active in virology cure research
- Provide a forum for physicians and researchers to discuss advances in virology
The Partnering for Cure initiative reinforces Bristol-Myers
Squibb's commitment in virology, which is rooted in the company's
legacy in virology and ongoing research in HIV and viral hepatitis.
Chronic viral infections make a substantial contribution to the
burden of chronic diseases and premature mortality worldwide. In
December 2012, the Global Burden of Disease Study reported 1,465,000
deaths caused by HIV/AIDS and 1,445,000 deaths caused by viral
hepatitis in 2010.[i] Infections with hepatitis B and C viruses also
cause an estimated 57 percent of cases of liver cirrhosis and 78
percent of cases of primary liver cancer annually.[ii] Whilst
important advances have been made over the last decade significant
unmet needs and the opportunity for cure remains, particularly in
Bristol-Myers Squibb's Commitment to Virology
For over 20 years, Bristol-Myers Squibb has worked collaboratively
with the virology community to help meet the needs of patients living
with HIV, HBV and HCV - by providing and developing medicines such as
Zerit(R), Videx(R), Sustiva(R), Atripla[(R)*], Reyataz(R),
Baraclude(R), supporting clinical research on new innovative
compounds, supporting disease education efforts, and improving access
to medicines in the developing world.
Bristol-Myers Squibb supports a number of scientific and
educational programs within the virology community around the world
that encompass disease education, disease awareness and sharing of
best practices. In addition to Partnering for Cure these include
SHE(R) (Strong, HIV positive, Empowered Women/Strong, HIV positive
Women Educational Programme), a comprehensive and innovative
programme for women living with HIV and their healthcare providers,
PATH B(R) (Patients and professionals acting together for hepatitis
B), a joint initiative between hepatitis patient groups and
hepatologists to provide comprehensive information and support for
patients with chronic hepatitis B.
Additionally, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation's philanthropic and
educational programmes, such as Secure the Future(R) and Delivering
Hope(R) aim to support people living with HIV in Africa and with
viral hepatitis in Asia, through numerous private-public partnerships
and community based projects.
Prepared April 2014
* Atripla(R) is a trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Gilead
Sciences, Inc.
i. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20
age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global
Burden of Disease Study 2010, The Lancet, Volume 380, No9859, Dec 15,
2012 pp2095-2128
ii. WHO and WHA, Global Policy Report on the Prevention and
Control of Viral Hepatitis, 2013,
ots Originaltext: Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co.KG aA
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Media: Jeff Smith +33(0)6-03-99-40-18
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