
CPhI Russia 2014 Helps Regional Market Grow at Over 10% Annually

Geschrieben am 09-04-2014

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

Huge regional investment driving innovation with JSC
"Pharmasyntez" opening

three sites in 2014

Leading events organizer, UBM Live, along with partner RESTEC,
announces that CPhI Russia @ IPhEB is returning for a second year to
St. Petersburg, from 16th to 17th April 2014. The event will
co-locate with ICSE, P-MEC and InnoPack, creating Russia's most
comprehensive meeting point for the pharmaceutical industry.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130723/629764-a )

The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the fastest
developing, currently growing at double the rate of the global
pharmaceutical market (over 10% annually[1]). Russia is benefiting
from a growing economy and with the increased healthcare investments
being made by the government, the market is set to enjoy a sustained
and prolonged period of expansion. CPhI Russia @ IPhEB and its
co-located events provide the ideal platform to break into this
attractive region, with both domestic and international buyers and
suppliers all looking to meet, network and drive the Russian market.

This year's platinum partner, JSC "Pharmasyntez" exemplifies the
growth in the region, through their multi-million dollar investments
in domestic drug production- with three new sites opening in 2014.
The company will feature as an exhibitor at the event, showcasing
their new dosage form capabilities- sterile powders and solutions for

Alongside JSC "Pharmasyntez", the total number of exhibitors
vastly exceeds that of last year, rising from 65 exhibitors to more
than 200. The exhibition moves to the Lenexpo Exhibition Complex to
further facilitate the high levels of growth and mirroring the
expanding domestic market.

Highlights of CPhI Russia 2014:

- 2-day forum [http://www.cphi.com/russia/networking/conference ] running
alongside the exhibition, featuring highly valuable modules including 'An Overview of
Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries: State Priorities and Prospects for
Development' and 'Doing Business In Russia - Market Access Considerations'
- Matchmaking [http://www.cphi.com/russia/networking/matchmaking-programme ]
programme for both visitors and exhibitors providing direct access to individual
companies matching your business needs
- Exhibitor presentations showcasing latest news and product portfolios
- Bespoke mobile app, designed to ease on-site navigation and featuring complete
exhibitor list, floor plan and forum schedule


1. http://www.pmlive.com/pharma_intelligence/putin_-_pharmas_frien

"The Russian pharmaceutical market is experiencing a grand period
of expansion, four years into its Pharma 2020 plan. With increased
support from the government, coupled with the desire to increase
domestic production by 50%, the Russian pharma landscape is proving
to be a very attractive venture for international buyers and
suppliers looking to break into this market. CPhI Russia plays a very
important role within the region to accelerate this growth and
further drive innovation within the market- a key goal within the
country's plan", Erik Heemskerk, Brand Director Pharma.

About CPhI

CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global
pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage.
Through exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings
together more than 100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to
network, identify business opportunities and expand the global
market. CPhI hosts events in Europe, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Southeast Asia, Istanbul, Russia and South America and co-locates
with ICSE for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment &
technology, InnoPack for pharmaceutical packaging and BioPh for
biopharma. CPhI provides an online buyer & supplier directory at

For more information visit: http://www.cphi.com

The UBM Live annual schedule of Pharmaceutical events also
includes CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and Pharmatec Japan ; CPhI Russia
and IPhEB (16-17 April, 2014 at the Lenexpo Exhibition Complex- St
Petersburg, Russia); CPhI, P-MEC and Innopack South East Asia (20-22
May, 2014 at the Jakarta International Expo- Jakarta, Indonesia);
CPhI Istanbul (4-6 June, 2014, at the Lutfi Kirdar Convention and
Exhibition Centre- Turkey); CPhI, Fi, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and LabWorld
China (26-28 June, 2014 at SNIEC- Shanghai, China); CPhI and Fi South
America (5-7 August 2014 at Expo Centre Norte, Sao Paulo- Brazil);
CPhI, ICSE Korea (2-3 September, 2014 at the COEX- Seoul, South
Korea); CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC and InnoPack Worldwide ; CPhI and P-MEC
India (2-4 December, 2014 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre- Mumbai).

About UBM Live

UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies
across five continents to develop new business, meet customers,
launch new products, promote their brands, and expand their market.
Through premier brands such as TFM&A, Internet World, IFSEC, MD&M,
CPhI, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, and many others, UBM
Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications,
Websites, and training and certification programs are an integral
part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry


ots Originaltext: UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For media enquiries, please contact: Alex Heeley or Tristan
Jervis, De Facto Communications, T: +44(0)207-203-6745 / 6740, E:
a.heeley@defacto.com / t.jervis@defacto.com


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