
Magna Carta and Equens Introduce Alternative for Chipknip

Geschrieben am 14-04-2014

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -

'Snel en Simpel Betalen' is already a success in catering

Amsterdam-based Magna Carta, a specialist in facility transaction
systems, has entered into a cooperation agreement with payment
processor Equens for the introduction of the innovative 'Snel en
Simpel Betalen' [Quick & Easy Payments] for educational institutions
as an alternative for Chipknip in the Netherlands. The system is
based on contactless chip card technology and has been seamlessly
integrated into the Magna Carta FacilityPro system. Consequently,
existing clients do not need to switch to new POS terminals.

The card balance is topped up by SEPA Direct Debit. For small
amounts, and where normal debit card payments are not possible, users
often pay using their personal e-wallet. Equens manages the
e-wallets, processes the payments, and handles payments to the
merchants. This unburdens organisations, since they no longer need to
perform financial management for cardholders and merchants.

The cooperation between Magna Carta and Equens offers a solution
for existing Chipknip clients looking for an alternative. What's
more, the system will be available on the market this year. The
electronic purse Chipknip will be discontinued as from 1 January,
2015. This alternative means of payment is appealing not only for
existing Chipknip users, but also for new users.

Magna Carta and Equens will also market 'Snel en Simpel Betalen'
internationally with a variety of additional innovative services.

Equens, one of the largest pan-European providers of payment
services, is positioning its 'Snel en Simpel Betalen' service as an
alternative means of payment for Chipknip, not only for the catering
industry - where the system is already widely used - but, from now
on, also for unmanned points of sale, such as vending machines,
printers and copiers.

Editorial note

About Magna Carta

Magna Carta Chipcard Solutions develops and supplies
multifunctional card systems for educational institutions, care
facilities, enterprises and public authorities around the world.

In recent years, Magna Carta has evolved from a producer of
electronic payment systems to also a developer and supplier of an
integrated facility management platform. This Platform, Facility Pro,
is the comprehensive facility management platform from Magna Carta
and enables customers to professionalize the facility services of
their educational institution or enterprise.

Smart deployment of ICT improves facility services to students and
other users and allows facility costs to be better monitored and,
where possible, reduced. The new FacilityPro5 management software is
web-based and provides advanced new features, such as an online user
portal and a mobile app. The systems of Magna Carta are a
contribution for the improvement of the quality of the company

Magna Carta has been developing and supplying multifunctional
payment systems for educational and health care institutions,
enterprises and public authorities since 1996. Our company is ISO
9001:2008 certified.

For additional information on Magna Carta, please visit

About Equens

Equens SE is the first pan-European, full-service payment
processor. As one of the largest payment processors in Europe, it
leads the market for future-proof payment and card solutions. Thanks
to an extensive and competitive range of services, the company
seamlessly meets the requirements and wishes of the European payments
market. Equens supports the development of a single, uniform European
payments market (SEPA), and is dedicated to the standardisation and
harmonisation of European and global payments. With clients and
partnerships in multiple European countries, it offers pan-European
market coverage from offices in five countries - the Netherlands,
Germany, Italy, Finland and the United Kingdom. With an annual
processing volume of 10.6 billion payments and 4.6 billion POS and
ATM transactions, Equens SE has a European market share of more than

For additional information on Equens, please visit

ots Originaltext: Magna Carta and Equens SE
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Magna Carta - sales department - +31(0)20-582-20-50 / Equens -
Marcel Woutersen (NL), +31(0)88-385-54-27, +31(0)6-29-05-08-71 ;
Lambregts (NL), +31(0)88-385-50-27, +31(0)6-50-21-30-91


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