International Meeting of the Transmission Experts at the CTI Transmission Symposium in Rochester, Michigan, May 12-15, 2014
Geschrieben am 17-04-2014 |
Detroit/Düsseldorf (ots) - "It's the most comprehensive technical
gathering of North American transmission experts available, and
exceptionally well organized by CTI," described Brian Lee from
Schaeffler the last CTI transmission event. This year transmission
experts from all over the world are meeting for the eighth time in
Rochester (Michigan, USA) at the International CTI Symposium
"Automotive Transmission, HEV and EV Drives" from May 12 to 15, 2014.
Last year about 400 participants and 25 exhibitors met at the
transmission conference and exhibit. One focus of the convention is
on the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): the
Obama Administration announced strict new vehicle fuel-efficiency
standards, requiring that the U.S. auto fleet average 54.5 miles per
gallon by 2025 - an uncontroversial move that, unlike other
Administration energy policies, was endorsed by industry and
environmentalists alike. The new rules expand on existing standards
requiring American-made cars and light trucks to average 34.5 mpg by
2016. They will significantly cut U.S. oil consumption and greenhouse
gas emissions by the time they are fully implemented, according to
the EPA. Ernie J. DeVincent (GETRAG Group) will host a key note
session with Mike Olechiw (Light-duty Vehicle and Small Engine Center
U.S. EPA), Daniel M. Hancock (SAE International) and Don Hillebrand
(Argonne National Laboratory - U.S. Department of Energy), among
others, on ways to successfully implement the 54.5 mpg Challenge with
the help of transmission technologies and strategic alliances.
The comparison between the latest continuously variable
transmissions (CVTs) and developments in the area of automatic
transmissions (ATs) is another important topic of the conference.
Moreover, new concepts for dual-clutch transmissions (DCTs),
electrified drivetrains, as well as the requirements resulting from
ISO 26262, the standard for electronic systems ensuring functional
safety in road vehicles, will be presented. Further topics to be
discussed are electromobility, impacts which changes in mobility in
big cities bring for the automotive industry, new strategies for
hybrid cars, approaches to solutions regarding noise, vibration and
harshness (NVH), and state-of-the-art technologies for improving
transmission production. A two-day introductory seminar specifically
geared toward participants who wish to brush up their knowledge will
cover basics and practical issues concerning vehicle transmissions.
Networking, test drives and dinner at the Chrysler Museum
An extraordinary evening program at the Chrysler Museum will leave
the participants plenty of room to establish new contacts. The CTI
test drives, which will accompany the program on May 14 and 15, offer
a unique driving experience as well as the opportunity to talk to the
developers directly on site. "A great event, and it feels like a
transmission and drivetrain family reunion," commented Hong Jiang of
Ford Motor Co. on last year's event. Companies such as AVL,
BorgWarner, Brose, Buehler Motor, Dana Holding Corporation, GETRAG,
and DuPont Performance Polymers, IAV, JATCO, Romax, SKF, and Sulzer
are going to present their products and services at the accompanying
trade exhibition.
The CTI Transmission Symposium is an important meeting point for
representatives from the following sectors: Automotive Suppliers,
Engineering/Development Service Providers, Transmission
Manufacturers, OEMs, Metal Processing, Mineral Oil & Chemical
Industry, Electric/Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Plastics
Industry, as well as universities and institutes.
News about the CTI Symposium North America can be accessed on
Twitter at #CTI_sym and via the Twitter channel @CTI_symposium.
More information:
Roman Irlinger
Senior Marketing Manager
CTI Car Training Institute - a Business Division of EUROFORUM
Deutschland SE
Prinzenallee 3
40549 Düsseldorf
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