Groupe Média TFO Emerges as Pre-schooler Digital Media Star Attracting More Views Than Most Competitors
Geschrieben am 22-04-2014 |
Toronto (ots/PRNewswire) -
Organization strengthens its leadership with the launch of
EduLulu, a tool to help parents and teachers navigate the educational
Groupe Media TFO an Ontario based public media enterprise that
produces award-winning educational content in French, announced it
has recorded over 10 million digital views of its MiniTFO
[ ] YouTube
channel, a stunning 1,000 per cent increase in audience viewing over
a 15 month period.
"TFO has clearly demonstrated that when it comes to creating
educational products and services for children, their parents and
educators, we are an emerging leader," said Groupe Media TFO CEO
Glenn O'Farrell. "We have the capacity to provide more added value in
developing digital education solutions. This is where we found the
inspiration for our most recent initiative, EduLulu, a newly launched
browser-based app for parents and teachers."
TFO conceived and created EduLulu, the first independent
application that rates and ranks English and French educational apps,
giving parents and educators credible guidance regarding new entries
in Google Play and Apple's App Store. To access EduLulu, you simply
enter the url ( in your favorite browser's
address bar on any device (tablet or smartphone). This is a
ground-breaking, first of its kind Canadian service in digital
learning, developed in collaboration with a panel of experts in the
educational and technology spheres.
"Speaking as both a parent and a technology commentator, EduLulu
is addressing a void with this new resource for both Apple and
Android apps," said technology expert Marc Saltzman. "It will be such
a relief for parents to be able to go to one source and quickly find
out if an interactive app is suitable for their children. The fact
that there are English and French apps makes it even more useful for
Canadian families."
A recent survey by Harris-Decima revealed that 86 per cent of
Canadian households with children have at least one mobile device and
a similar number of the parents polled said that everything related
to mobile educational applications in Canada was of interest to them.
In addition to smartphones, tablets became widely adopted in just
a few years leaving parents of young children scrambling to identify
quality apps that blend engagement, education and entertainment.
EduLulu was designed to address this need; creating a destination for
parents in search of stimulating and educational resources.
The EduLulu rating system
EduLulu ranks reviewed apps on a five 'bone' rating system. The
Lulu in EduLulu is an animated dog and dogs love their bones so the
more bones the better in Lulu's world.
The rating system criteria was developed by TFO Education with the
assistance of Thierry Karsenti, the Canada Research Chair on
information and communication technologies in education at Universite
de Montreal, with a panel of other education and technology experts.
Evaluation teams of educators, parents and technology experts rank
targeted apps and individual results are combined to produce a final
rating based on the five bone scale and also provide anecdotal
EduLulu currently features 300 rated English and French apps and
more than 100 reviewed apps will be added to the service every month.
There will be more than 1,100 rated apps on EduLulu by December 2014.
Parents and educators will be able to search rated apps by ratings,
subject and children's age.
English and French apps
The people behind EduLulu are leaders in digital learning in
French and have made EduLulu available in French as well as English.
English and French educational apps are available on both the English
and the French EduLulu sites. More than 20 per cent (approximately 7
million) of Canadians speak French as a first language and there are
more than 340,000 children enrolled in French immersion programs
across Canada. EduLulu is sure to gain fans both far and wide in
Canada and beyond.
Digital Views analytics
Groupe Media TFO is one of a small number of public media
companies which have a globally accessible children's YouTube web
site. Only RAI, the public Italian media company has a children's
YouTube channel with more digital views than TFO.
Groupe Media TFO
For children and their world, who want a stimulating experience,
Groupe Media TFO is a premium destination for award-winning
educational and innovative content in French. Groupe Media TFO is
breaking ground in digital learning and boasts some of the highest
online engagement rates for educational children's content in the
world. It operates TFO, MiniTFO and EduLulu, the first online service
that rates and ranks English and French educational apps.
For further information:
Pascal Arseneau, Groupe Media TFO, Chief Marketing Officer, +1-416-557-5416
Adrienne Simic, Media Profile,
ots Originaltext: Groupe Média TFO
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