
8th annual Metadata Conference (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 19-05-2014

Berlin (ots) -

Organised by IPTC and hosted by CEPIC the 8th annual Metadata
Conference will take place on Thursday June 5th 2014 as part of the
CEPIC 2014 Congress in Berlin. Everybody who is interested in
managing metadata of video in a way which aligns with existing photo
metadata concepts and workflows is welcome.

More and more photo and video businesses are getting closer. Many
photo suppliers are extending their business to video. The companies,
which have started with photos are interested in using the same
metadata fields with video as they do with photos.

This conference will help to extend the management of metadata
from known photo-related procedures to the moving images. This
conference also aims at pinning down business requirements for
precise annotations of video content.

The conference will start with a presentation of experience and
practice and will be followed by a view of core video businesses and
how software can help. During the afternoon the use and evolution of
metadata in Cultural Heritag images will be discussed and a insight
in the metadata technology will be given by answering the question
how to make metadata stick to videos.

The conference is free for all CEPIC Congress participants. For
others the registration fee is only 100 Euros.

For more information on the Metadata Conference and to register
please click here:

About IPTC

"IPTC is the global standards body of the news media. Our mission
is to simplify the distribution of information. We develop and
promote efficient technical standards to improve the management and
exchange of information between content providers, intermediaries and
consumers. We thereby enable easy, cost-effective and rapid
innovation. We are committed to open standards and make all of our
standards freely available to our members and the wider community.
Founded in 1965 and based in London, the IPTC brings together the
world's leading news agencies, publisher and industry vendors."
Source: http://www.iptc.org


As the Center of the Picture Industry, CEPIC federates 800 picture
agencies and photo libraries in 20 countries across Europe, both
within and outside the European Union. It has affiliates in North
America and Asia. CEPIC's membership includes large and smaller stock
photo libraries, major photo news agencies, art galleries and
museums, video companies. CEPIC has among its members the big global
players such as Getty and Corbis. Through this membership, CEPIC
represents more than 150.000 authors in direct licensing. The annual
CEPIC Congress is the largest global gathering of the international
photo community and extends CEPIC's network on all five continents.
CEPIC has been a member of IPTC since 2005 and of ICOMP since 2009.

CEPIC, Center of the Picture Industry, Fritschestraße 22, 10585
Berlin, Germany
If you have any questions please contact us at: cepic@cepic.org


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