CRYENGINE Now Available on Steam for Just 9.90 USD/EUR per Month / Develop and publish games from start to finish with CRYENGINE on Steam
Geschrieben am 28-05-2014 |
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Crytek's award-winning CRYENGINE
software launched exclusively on the Steam Store today, enabling
developers everywhere to gain royalty-free access to all of its
groundbreaking features on a subscription basis.
As part of their new Engine-as-a-Service program, Crytek have made
CRYENGINE available to the Steam community of gamers and developers
for a low monthly payment of 9.90 USD/EUR. The subscription includes
full use of the engine for PC, and ensures developers never have to
pay royalties for the games they create.
Crytek's Director of Business Development, Carl Jones, said: "We
wanted to ensure that when we released CRYENGINE to subscribers, it
would be in the best place to address today's indie gamers and
developers. Steam is the best place right now for developers to
create their games, show them to a huge community and even release
them directly to market - it fits our philosophy for Engine as a
Service perfectly. Today's announcement means we are adding the first
complete game development engine to Steam, with access to enough
source code to allow the creation of any kind of PC game. We're also
giving indie developers state-of-the-art tools that live within the
same eco-system that they can choose to publish their games. By
ruling out royalties we are aiming to make CRYENGINE the best choice
for everyone, and hope its arrival on Steam will empower developers
of all sizes to achieve their creative visions."
Doug Lombardi, Vice President of Marketing at Valve, said: "The
power of CRYENGINE combined with our publishing services, the Steam
community and Steam Workshop will make it easier and more effective
than ever to develop and publish games online. The engine's
availability through our store is a significant addition that we
expect will be embraced and put to excellent use by the many talented
developers who use Steam."
Subscribers can count on having the latest version of CRYENGINE to
work with at all times, as continuous updates keep the newest
features coming.
Among the industry-leading tools and features at the fingertips of
CRYENGINE users are the powerful renderer behind Crytek's Xbox One
launch title "Ryse: Son of Rome", C++ and LUA API interfaces, and
demo levels and assets for different types of games. Developers also
gain access to extensive documentation, such as programming API
references and multiple tutorials by talented CRYENGINE
professionals, as well as becoming part of a CRYENGINE community full
of dedicated experts.
Subscribe for access to CRYENGINE today at,
or find out more about all Crytek's technology has to offer at
About Valve
Valve is an entertainment software and technology company founded
in 1996. In addition to creating several of the world's most award-
winning games, Valve is also a developer of leading-edge technologies
including the Source® game engine and Steam®, the premier online
gaming platform.
About Crytek
Crytek GmbH ("Crytek") is an independent company at the forefront
of the interactive entertainment industry, and is dedicated to
pushing the boundaries of gaming by creating standout experiences for
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation®4, Wii UTM, Xbox 360, PlayStation®3, iOS
and Android using their cutting-edge 3D-Game-Technology, CRYENGINE®.
The company's headquarters are in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
Crytek also has studios in Kiev (Ukraine), Budapest (Hungary), Sofia
(Bulgaria), Seoul (South Korea), Nottingham (UK), Shanghai (China),
Istanbul (Turkey) and Austin (USA).
Since its foundation in 1999, Crytek has consistently been
recognized for excellence in its field, earning accolades such as the
2011 Develop Award for Best Independent Studio, and two Red Dot
Design Awards (in 2010 and 2013). Its multi-award winning games
include Far Cry®, Crysis® (awarded best PC Game of E3 2007 and Best
Technology at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards), Crysis
Warhead® (awarded Best Graphics Technology at IGN Best of 2008
Awards), Crysis® 2 (awarded Best Shooter of E3 2010 and Gamescom
2010), Crysis® 3, Ryse: Son of Rome and Warface (awarded Best
Social/Casual/Online Game of Gamescom 2012). For more information,
please visit
Jens Schaefer
Head of PR
Phone: +496921977661071
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