Suntech's Modules "Best in Class": Receive Top Quality Ranking by VDE Institute / Wuxi Suntech will be awarded with the VDE Quality-Test Certification at Intersolar Europe
Geschrieben am 02-06-2014 |
Wuxi, China (ots) - Wuxi Suntech today announced its modules have
received the VDE Quality-Tested certification, attesting that the
quality of Suntech modules exceed existing industry standards.
Suntech is only the third brand globally to receive this quality
"We are honored to have our modules recognized by the VDE
Institute, one of the world's leading testing and certification
institutes," said Suntech CEO Eric Luo. "This recognition further
validates our commitment to provide customers with solar panels of
the highest quality and reliability in design and mass production."
The VDE created its VDE Quality-Tested seal of approval to
recognize a level of quality control that goes beyond existing
standards in the PV industry when validating PV modules. Low rates of
degradation and high safety standards are essential aspects of
attaining VDE certification.
Compared to other industry standards, such as the IEC61215 and
IEC61730-2, the VDE Quality-Tested seal relies on a more rigorous
examination of performance capabilities. The number of test samples
is doubled, and testing periods increased. VDE Quality-Tested
certified modules recognize a maximum total power loss of 5% over the
enhanced test sequence, compared to 8% with other standards. These
changes dramatically increase the confidence that a module will
fulfill its performance requirements throughout its warranty period.
"The VDE Institute takes pride in providing our seal of approval
to top-tier, quality products that show constant product
reliability," said Burkhard Holder, Head of VDE's Energy and Smart
Technologies Division. "We congratulate Suntech on its accreditation
which singles out the company's products as best in class. VDE's
Quality Tested certificate highlights products that go beyond
normative standards, consistently ensuring reliable and bankable PV
modules. The results of our comprehensive tests have shown that
Suntech's PV modules have achieved a premium level of quality and
safety, from design to manufacturing."
The certification announcement comes as the solar industry gathers
in Munich for Intersolar Europe, the world's largest exhibition for
the solar industry. Suntech will be onsite at Intersolar at booth #
A1.250. For further information on Suntech or to coordinate an
interview with the company at Intersolar, please contact: Christoph
Mielke, or + 49.172.389.69.21.
About Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd., a company incorporated in the PRC in
January 2001, produces industry-leading solar products for
residential, commercial, industrial, and utility applications.
Suntech has delivered more than 30 million photovoltaic panels or 8
GWs of installed capacity to more than 1 thousand customers in more
than 80 countries. Suntech's pioneering R&D creates customer-centric
innovations that are driving solar to grid parity against fossil
fuels. Suntech's mission is to provide reliable access to nature's
cleanest and most abundant energy source.
About VDE
Based in Germany, VDE is the Association for Electric, Electronic
& Information Technologies and is one of the largest technical and
scientific associations in Europe with more than 34,000 members. The
VDE Institute is a nationally and internationally accredited
institution, which tests various electrotechnical equipment,
appliances, components and systems to protect the consumer and the
general public against unsafe products and to support manufacturers
and retailers in improving standards in the market with safe and high
quality products.
9 Xinhua Road
Now District, Wuxi
Jiangsu, China
Tel: +86 (0) 510.8531.8861
Fax: +86 (0) 510.8534.4214
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