WISE Launches Online One-Stop-Shop for Global Innovation in Education
Geschrieben am 04-06-2014 |
Doha, Qatar (ots/PRNewswire) -
The World Innovation Summit for Education has launched unique
digital services on its website to enable the global education
community to stay informed on the latest developments in the field.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
Visitors to the fully rebuilt WISE website
(http://www.wise-qatar.org) will discover the WISE ed.review and WISE
ed.hub tools, dynamic platforms where audiences can read about the
most innovative developments in global education, as well as directly
discuss prevalent and emerging trends.
WISE ed.review features especially chosen reports addressing the
most relevant and pressing issues in education; offering leading
education practitioners, opinion leaders and other audiences,
insights and trends from around the world. Taken from sources in five
languages (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Chinese), this rich
resource tool also includes exclusive blogs, reports, videos, and
articles on innovative education practices. Along with a daily
summary in English, a review of the week's top international stories
is provided in Arabic.
Among the original content available on the WISE ed.review, there
are a series of EduDebates, which bring together thought leaders from
around the world to debate the most relevant issues - from technology
and the role of teachers, to STEM and STEAM, and game-based learning.
An online extension of the WISE Summit, the community-led WISE
ed.hub service promotes innovative education projects and practices
that have had a transformative impact. This provides grassroots
practitioners around the world with a platform through which they can
interact, share best practices and find solutions to common
challenges. A dedicated moderator is available on the WISE ed.hub to
bring practitioners together and guide the discussions.
Commenting on the launch of these new services, H.E. Sheikh
Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani, Ph.D., Chairman of WISE, Qatar Foundation,
said: "Today WISE launches new services aimed at informing,
connecting and inspiring education change-makers. I'm convinced that
people working on building the future of education will be eager to
explore new thoughts about education coming from different parts of
the world on the ed.review. I also know that all education innovators
are looking to collaborate further, get ideas, and find solutions. I
hope that the ed.hub will help them achieve these objectives."
For further information and to find out how to get involved and
contribute, please visit the ed.review at
http://www.wise-qatar.org/edreview and the ed.hub at
About the World Innovation Summit for Education:
WISE was established by Qatar Foundation in 2009 under the
patronage of its Chairperson, Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser.
WISE is an international, multi-sectoral platform for creative
thinking, debate and purposeful action. WISE is a global reference in
new approaches to education. Through both the annual Summit and a
range of ongoing programs WISE is promoting innovation and building
the future of education through collaboration. WISE 2014 will take
place 4-6 November in Doha.
ots Originaltext: World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Adeline Deliau, media@wise.org.qa, +33-(0)1-56-03-54-46
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