OPAL LiDAR from Neptec Technologies Enhancing Airport Safety
Geschrieben am 11-06-2014 |
Ottawa, Ontario (ots/PRNewswire) -
Neptec Technologies Corp. is pleased to announce that its OPAL 3D
laser scanners have been selected by the Technische Universität
Dresden [https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1T4MXGB_enCA512CA512&q=Te
oCw&ved=0CCQQvwUoAA ] for an airport tarmac safety project in
The research project, led by Professor Hartmut Fricke, aims to
improve the current safety level of airport operations with a
real-time 3D surveillance and visualization system for the apron
controller. The system combines 3D point cloud data with real-time
algorithms to automatically detect aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians
for collision avoidance, and to alert the apron controller to the
presence of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) to mitigate damage to
aircraft. Ground handling accidents, such as the collision of two
aircraft during taxiing, have been reported to cause millions of
dollars in direct and indirect damage costs.
TU Dresden selected Neptec's OPAL-360 sensor because of its large,
panoramic field of view, longer range options and, in particular, its
non-overlapping scan pattern that avoids creating "blind spots" when
the scanner is stationary compared to conventional 360degree(s) laser
scanners designed for autonomous vehicles. Neptec's patented
obscurant-penetrating OPAL technology also solves the problem of
operating a LiDAR-based surveillance system in all types of weather -
including fog, rain and dusty conditions.
The system concept and technology selection rational were recently
presented at the International Conference on Research in Air
Transportation (ICRAT 2014) in Istanbul, Turkey.
"We are thrilled to have been selected by the TU Dresden for this
project," said Mike Dunbar, Director of Business Development for
Neptec Technologies. "This is another validation of our objective to
make it easy to deploy intelligent 3D applications that can operate
in all kinds of harsh environments and that improve the safety and
productivity of our customers' operations."
About Neptec Technologies Corp.
Neptec Technologies Corp. develops innovative 3D robot vision
products for machine automation and robotics applications in harsh
environments. The company was founded in 2011 to commercialize
space-technologies developed by Neptec Design Group Ltd., an
award-winning space flight technology company and NASA prime
contractor. Its first products are a family of obscurant-penetrating
laser scanners (OPAL) and a software development tool kit (3DRi) with
advanced features such as automatic change detection and object
recognition and tracking. Together, these out-of-the-box "building
blocks" make it easy to integrate intelligent real-time machine
vision applications on autonomous off-road vehicles, and for more
familiar LiDAR-based survey and measurement tasks in harsh
environments. The company is located in Kanata, Ontario, Canada.
For more information, visit http://www.neptectechnologies.com.
Michael Dunbar: +1-(925)-336-0697 mdunbar@neptec.com
Media Contact:
Sarah Mongrain: +1-(613)-599-7602 smongrain@neptec.com
ots Originaltext: Neptec Technologies Corp
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