The Jedox Cloud: Secure. Scalable. Self-service BI.
Geschrieben am 02-07-2014 |
Freiburg (ots) - Gartner Cool Vendor and 2014 CEBIT IT Innovation
winner, Jedox has a global reputation for innovation. Today Jedox
launches Business Intelligence on the cloud.
Using the Jedox Cloud, customers can now access Jedox for
planning, reporting, and analysis from anywhere in the world. With
data integration from almost any source and massively parallel
in-memory performance, customers can use Jedox Cloud from Office,
Web, Mobile, and Tablet.
The highly scalable and secure infrastructure is built on leading
cloud providers with a global network of data centers. Customers and
partners can choose between the private cloud with a 'bring your own
license' agreement and the public cloud for your deployment model.
"We already initiate many of our projects in the cloud, and short
time to results for our customers using a scalable and secure
environment convinced us that this was the right step to take,"
explains CTO Matthias Krämer.
Your team, but more efficient
Jedox Cloud empowers customers with the full award-winning Jedox
Suite functionality: easy modeling with an intuitive live Excel
interface, high-impact dashboards, analytics and a full Web
management portal.
Jedox enables business users to take any spreadsheet-based
business process and create self-service Jedox applications. Data is
secure, centralized and auditable. "Even if companies are not ready
to step into the cloud, our free trial is a great way to test Jedox's
capabilities and ease-of-use" says Krämer.
Cost-effective BI ready in minutes
The Jedox cloud shortens implementation time for faster time-to-
value, with no up-front infrastructure investment. Instead, with its
simple license and support model, the Jedox cloud covers all required
infrastructure and can scale along with customer needs.
As with Jedox on-premise, customers can seamlessly read and write
to the Jedox Cloud through Jedox Web, Jedox Mobile and of course
Jedox in Excel. While Jedox brings you self-service insight, Jedox's
full performance management capability with powerful budgeting,
consolidations, statistical analysis and workflows enables customers
to move beyond data discovery to bring the power of data to every
user in their organization.
For a fully functional free trial version, visit Jedox Cloud at
About Jedox:
Jedox is a leading Business Intelligence, Analytics and
Performance Management provider and delivers solutions available in
over 120 countries and 24 languages worldwide.
Contact Jedox:, Tel. +49 761 15147 - 0
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