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Saxo Bank to Continue as Co-title Sponsor of Tinkoff-Saxo in 2015

Geschrieben am 07-08-2014

Hellerup, Denmark (ots/PRNewswire) -

Saxo Bank will continue its involvement with Tinkoff-Saxo as
co-title sponsor in 2015. The trading and investment specialist and
the team have decided to continue the partnership for another year.
Saxo Bank's support will significantly help reinforce the strategy
and ambitious goals that Team Owner Oleg Tinkov and Team Manager
Bjarne Riis have set for the team in the year to come.

The announcement follows a successful Tour de France for
Tinkoff-Saxo, where the team, despite the early loss of previous
winner Alberto Contador through injury, won the mountains
classification along with three stages. Saxo Bank has partnered with
Tinkoff-Saxo since 2008, and Saxo Bank's decision to once again renew
its sponsorship is based first and foremost on the commercial
opportunities, which a sponsorship with Tinkoff-Saxo represents.
However, the renewed partnership is also based on a genuine wish to
support the new owner Oleg Tinkov, Bjarne Riis and the riders.

In a joint statement, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen,
co-CEOs and co-founders of Saxo Bank, said:

"Seven years ago, Saxo Bank entered a partnership with Bjarne Riis
and his riders, which has led to many surprises and strong results
both for the team and Saxo Bank. Therefore, we are happy to announce
that we will continue as co-title sponsor of the world's most
ambitious cycling team, Tinkoff-Saxo, in 2015."

"Oleg Tinkov is not only an accomplished entrepreneur, but has
proved to be an ambitious team owner, and we are confident that with
Bjarne's help, the team will continue to deliver good results. In
cycling, as well as in business, it is hard work to be in front, but
we believe that a dedicated, long-term vision is the way forward. We
work continuously to build good systems, and it remains the goal of
both our business and this team."

The news about Saxo Bank's continuation as co-title sponsors was
given a warm welcome by the team. Stefano Feltrin, General Manager of
Tinkoff-Saxo, says:

"Saxo Bank's dedication to the team and their passion for this
sport is exceptional. We are proud and honored to announce that Saxo
Bank confirms its commitment to our team for 2015. We firmly believe
in strong partnerships and teamwork to reach our goals. Knowing that
Saxo Bank will be on our side as title partner gives us great
strength and confidence."

Team Manager Bjarne Riis is pleased with the renewed partnership
and the bank's commitment to the team, which he believes will
strengthen the team's performance.

"Saxo Bank with Lars and Kim in the lead has been a fantastic
partner since 2008 and they've meant a lot to the team and to me
personally. We've created amazing results together during the years
and their ongoing commitment will ensure stability, which is
essential to any cycling team in order to focus on building a strong
team and creating results on the road," says Bjarne Riis and adds:

"Saxo Bank's values and principles of teamwork and individual
strength are in line with ours. We share the belief that Tinkoff-Saxo
can continue to race and improve with big ambitions for 2015. Lars
and Kim see the potential of cycling in general and to me that is
very important."

About Saxo Bank

Saxo Bank is an online multi-asset trading [http://www.saxobank.c
om/forex?csref=b1744_Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ] and investment
specialist, offering private investors and institutional clients a
complete set of tools for their trading and investment strategies.
Its financial community portal,
[ ], is the first multi-asset social
trading platform. A fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo
Bank enables clients to trade FX, CFDs, ETFs, Stocks, Futures,
Options and other derivatives on our award-winning SaxoTrader
platform, accessible on PC
[ ]s, tablet
[ ]s or
[ ]s through
a single account and available in more than 20 languages. The
platform is white-labelled by more than 100 major financial
institutions worldwide. Saxo Bank also offers professional portfolio
and fund management as well as traditional banking services through
Saxo Privatbank. Founded in 1992, Saxo Bank is headquartered in
Copenhagen and has offices in 26 countries throughout Europe, Asia,
the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Australia.

ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For press inquiries: Victor Petri, Communications Coordinator,
Tinkoff-Saxo, Mob: +45-28-68-20-23, / Kasper
Head of International Communications, Saxo Bank, Mob: +45-3065-4300,


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