Tinkoff-Saxo's Contador Wins La Vuelta a España (Tour of Spain)
Geschrieben am 15-09-2014 |
Hellerup, Denmark (ots/PRNewswire) -
Saxo Bank, the trading and investment specialist, today announces
that legendary road cyclist Alberto Contador has won the red jersey
and the overall Vuelta a Espana title as the race's final stage
concluded yesterday in Santiago de Compostela.
Contador finished with a time of 81 hours, 25 minutes and five
seconds, one minute and 11 seconds ahead of his closest rival, Chris
Froome of Team Sky. A fractured tibia forced the Spanish-born
champion to retire from the Tour de France in July. His remarkable
come-back follows a recent announcement that Saxo Bank and the
Tinkoff team are continuing their partnership in 2015.
Saxo Bank's sponsorship of the Tinkoff team supports and
reinforces the strategy and ambitious goals of the team as well as
assisting them as they strive for optimal performance and achieve
their commitment to the development of talent in cycling.
In a joint statement, Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen,
co-CEOs and co-founders of Saxo Bank commented on Alberto Contador's
"The same way we at Saxo empower our clients to seize every
opportunity that arises in the market place, Alberto has shown once
again that to win you need instinct, talent as well as a carefully
planned strategy. We really like to win at Saxo Bank and Tinkoff-Saxo
team manager Bjarne Riis and his riders remain a huge inspiration and
motivation - not only for Saxo Bank - but also for many talented
young people in Denmark, Spain and around the world. We are extremely
happy to be supporting that."
Alberto Contador won La Vuelta a Espana in 2008 and 2012. It is
the biggest three-week stage race in cycling after the Tour de France
and the Giro d'Italia.
About Saxo Bank
Saxo Bank is an online multi-asset trading [http://www.saxobank.c
om/forex?csref=b1744_Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ] and investment
specialist, offering private investors and institutional clients a
complete set of tools for their trading and investment strategies.
Its financial community portal, TradingFloor.com
[https://www.tradingfloor.com ], is the first multi-asset social
trading platform. A fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo
Bank enables clients to trade FX, CFDs, ETFs, Stocks, Futures,
Options and other derivatives on our award-winning SaxoTrader
platform, accessible on PC
[http://www.saxobank.com/trading-platforms/saxotrader ]s, tablet
[http://www.saxobank.com/trading-platforms/saxowebtrader ]s or
[http://www.saxobank.com/trading-platforms/saxotrader-apps ]s through
a single account and available in more than 20 languages. The
platform is white-labelled by more than 100 major financial
institutions worldwide. Saxo Bank also offers professional portfolio
and fund management as well as traditional banking services through
Saxo Privatbank. Founded in 1992, Saxo Bank is headquartered in
Copenhagen and has offices in 26 countries throughout Europe, Asia,
the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Australia.
ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Kasper Elbjørn, Head of International Communications,
+45-3065-4300, press@saxobank.com
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