TagCommander Raises EUR6.5 Million Series B Funding
Geschrieben am 08-10-2014 |
Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -
Round of investment will help Paris-based enterprise tag
management pioneer accelerate its European expansion.
TagCommander, a European pioneer and leader in the growing market
for enterprise tag management systems, has today announced a EUR6.5
million Series B investment led by Hi Inov - Dentressangle
Initiatives, with participation from XAnge Private Equity, an
investor in the company since 2012, and Bpifrance Digital Ambition
TagCommander offers a cloud-based platform that helps marketing
teams unify and manage all digital marketing vendor tags inserted in
their website pages and mobile apps; and later, leverage the visitor
insight gleaned from unifying all tags to get their various point
marketing solutions to market more effectively on their own as well
as work better together.
- Enterprise Tag Management: Unify All Tags
With the TagCommander platform, marketers and their agencies
manage the digital tags of over 400 leading marketing vendors from
around the world, with point-and-click simplicity.
- Digital Data Management: Helping Point Solutions to Better Market on their
Leveraging the insight they gain exploring visitor data captured
by all tags on their site, marketers may in turn transmit real-time
data streams back to their point marketing solutions so their
engagement with online customers and prospects becomes ever more
targeted and personalized.
- Digital Attribution: Helping All Tools to Better Market Together
The platform's digital attribution capabilities help marketing
teams assess the genuine contribution of each point solution to their
marketing goals - letting them continuously perfect their marketing
Since its founding in 2010, TagCommander has gained the trust of
over 250 enterprise and e-commerce customers in sixteen countries.
The round of financing will help TagCommander fund the company's
ongoing program of innovation, and further accelerate its commercial
expansion throughout Europe. The company has plans to open
subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and Italy soon.
"The uniqueness of its technology, the company's growth potential,
and the quality of its management team were key to our decision to
support TagCommander," says Valerie Gombart, Managing Partner of Hi
Inov - Dentressangle Initiatives.
"We are pleased to be given the means to convince European
companies to adopt TagCommander to unify and manage all their digital
marketing tags, and then get their point marketing solutions to not
only market more effectively on their own, but also work better
together," says Michael Froment, Founder and CEO of TagCommander.
About TagCommander
Founded in 2010, TagCommander is a European pioneer and leader in
the growing market for Enterprise Tag Management Systems. The
TagCommander online platform allows marketers to manage the digital
tags of over 400 marketing solution providers with point-and-click
simplicity. Leveraging the insight they gain exploring visitor data
captured by all tags on their site, marketers may transmit real-time
data streams back to their point marketing solutions, so their
engagement with customers becomes ever more targeted and
personalized. The company's digital attribution capabilities in turn
help marketers assess the genuine contribution of each marketing
solution to their marketing goals. In sixteen countries, over 250
customers including Axa, Cdiscount, Air France-KLM, PMU, Europcar,
Groupalia, Yoox, Intimissimi, and the Canadian Yellow Pages trust the
company to manage their digital tags; and get their point marketing
solutions to market more effectively on their own as well as work
better together.
About Hi Inov
Hi Inov is the Venture Capital arm of Dentressangle Initiatives.
Hi Inov targets growing technology companies in the areas of POS and
SaaS software with a focus on online services, complex or niche
e-commerce, digital media, the mobile Internet, and communication
About Bpifrance Digital Ambition Fund
Bpifrance Digital Ambition Fund, previously named FSN PME, is a
French State capital fund targeting midsized digital technology
companies. With EUR300 million under management, it is funded by
Caisse des Depots and managed by Bpifrance. Launched by the French
State as part of its Future Investment Program, the fund co-invests
in technology companies with strong potential for innovation and
About XAnge Private Equity
XAnge Private Equity is a regulated private equity vehicle with
EUR360 million under management. Active in France, Germany and
Western Europe, XAnge is a multi-corporate fund with both industrial
and financial LPs. The XAnge venture team primarily invests in
fast-growing companies of the digital, mobile, SaaS software and
fintech areas.
Media Contacts:
TagCommander: Eleius Marketing
Etienne Viellard - Phone: +33-1-75-57-13-63 - eviellard@eleius.com
Hi Inov - Dentressangle Initiatives:
Valerie Gombart - Phone: +33-1-76-74-81-14 - v.gombart@hiinov.com
XAnge: Kable Communication Finance
Anna Casal - Phone: +33-1-44-50-54-76 - anna.casal@kable-cf.com
Alexandre Poidevin - Phone: +33-1-44-50-54-71 - alexandre.poidevin@kable-cf.com
ots Originaltext: TagCommander
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