
Catalan and Québec Independence Leaders Gather in Montreal

Geschrieben am 09-10-2014

Montreal (ots/PRNewswire) -

Raising of an Estelada and symbolic muzzling for a referendum in

One month prior to the consultation on the political future of
Catalonia ("9N"), considered illegal by the Spanish State, Québec and
Catalan leaders including the President of St. John-Baptist Society
(SSJB) of Montreal, Maxime Laporte, held a press conference this
morning in Montreal for the raising of a Catalan independentist flag
(Estelada blava) to support the right of the Catalan nation to
democracy and self-determination.

The Estelada, which was lifted by Duane Boisclair, a young
citizen, is of symbolic importance as it is the result of an exchange
of flags which took place earlier in Barcelona between Carme
Forcadell, president of the Catalan national Assembly (ANC), and
young Québec activists who participated in the "Mission: New
Countries - Let's raise the wind." It was held just before the huge
peaceful demonstration in "V" which attracted more than 1.8 million
Catalans in Barcelona.

Following the raising of the flag, participants installed on their
mouths red and yellow stickers to symbolize the "denial of democracy"
and the "muzzling" of Catalans' desire for national emancipation.
They displayed a sign indicating: "Let Catalonia speak!"

The lawyer and president of SSJB and réseau Cap sur l'indépendance
(RCI), Maxime Laporte, argued: "You cannot silence a people in its
inalienable right to self-determination without attacking democracy
itself. Democracy means the power to the people. There are two
concepts: the people and its power to decide. Thus, Québecers want to
show their solidarity towards the Catalan citizens in their peaceful
struggle for existence and for the recognition of their nation, their
right to democracy, their power to self-determination and the
international personality of Catalonia."

Josie-Anne Huard, the coordinator of the Catalan National Assembly
in Québec, said: "The position of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC)
is clear: the consultation project is the only possible democratic
solution for the future of Catalonia. Considering the intransigence
of Rajoy's government, the support of the international community for
the maintenance and the recognition of this consultation is more
necessary than ever for Catalans."

Agusti Nicolau-Coll, spokesperson for the Catalan Cultural Circle
of Québec, and official organization recognized by the Government of
Catalonia, read the Catalan National Pact for the Right to Decide,
stating: "The purpose of this agreement is to spread the democratic
values ensuring the Catalan people's right to decide and to hold a
consultation on its political status. This is to reiterate the
fundamental importance of freedom of speech and the direct
participation of citizens in public affairs."

Duane Boisclair, representing the "Mission: New Countries - Let's
raise the wind", declared: "Today we gather around the Estelada, a
symbol of Catalonia's aspiration for freedom, in order to express our
pride. Catalans, we are proud of you and we admire the way you are
expressing your collective desire for a better world."

David Gascon, spokesperson of the Mouvement progressiste pour
l'indépendance du Québec (MPIQ), emphasized the importance of a
citizen's movement for independence: "Québec must learn from the
Catalan independence movement, because it is undeniable that the very
idea of national independence belongs to the people and not only to
political parties."

Founded by the Patriots, the SSJB, which celebrates this year its
180th anniversary, strives for the defence of Québec's interests and
the promotion of national history, social justice, French language
and independence. The RCI is a coalition of more than 30 citizen
independence groups.

For more information et interviews (Maxime Laporte):

Claude Boisvert - +1-438-931-2615, cboisvert@ssjb.com

Source: Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal |
http://www.ssjb.com | http://www.facebook.com/ssjbm

ots Originaltext: Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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