
EANS-News: FACC AG starts series production of engine composites for Trent XWB (with photo)

Geschrieben am 11-03-2015

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Company Information

FACC's role in the sixth generation of the Trent family of engines
has marked an important milestone: The Austrian aerospace supplier
started series production of the innovative engine composites on the
Rolls-Royce Trent XWB powerplant, designed specifically for the
Airbus A350 XWB family of aircraft.

This milestone underscores ongoing progress at FACC's Engine &
Nacelles division that delivered the first fan track liner, the last
of the four engine components of the total contract package, to
Rolls-Royce on time last week. FACC is responsible for development
and production of the engine composites as part of a life-of-program
contract for the new Trent XWB engine - a fuel efficient power system
that entered service at the end of 2014, following delivery of the
first Airbus A350 XWB to launch customer Qatar Airways.

"I would like to add my thanks for this excellent team effort. Well
done to all involved and thanks for the high focus this has received.
I feel confident as we now look forward to the ramp-up," said Chris
Cholerton, Rolls-Royce Executive Vice President Fans & Compressors.

Rolls-Royce had awarded the contract in 2012. According to the
current state of the engine orders, it envisages a total order volume
of approximately 300 million US$ and deliveries at least up to the
year 2028. The start of series production of the Trent XWB engine
composite components marks the successful conclusion of many years of
research and development by FACC.

"The schedule for this project was challenging. The timely start of
series production of the engine components for the Trent XWB
powerplant is a major step by FACC of demonstrating its commitment to
adding value to the program," said Walter Stephan, Chief Executive
Officer of FACC. "It is now time to make every effort to ensure
component deliveries at the steadily increasing production rates."
Once the program reaches full rate production in 2017, FACC will
support the Trent XWB assembly line by delivering four shipments of
engine composites per week.

Engine composites: lighter, quieter, yet still high strength

The engine composites order package from Rolls-Royce contains four
different engine components:

The fan track liners are linings in the fan casing, which fulfill
three main functions: Firstly, they form a contact seal with the
engine blades, preventing turbulence and thereby significantly
influencing engine performance. Secondly, they absorb the energy of
impacting hailstones and chunks of ice. Furthermore, the
high-strength carbon parts play an important role in containing
damage in the event of theoretical blade failure.

The rear case liners are sound-absorbing linings. Lining the engine
with acoustic panels makes it possible to comply with the strict
regulatory noise emission limits. At the same time, use of composite
technology contributes to achieving effective noise insulation with
only minimal additional weight and unvaryingly high strength.

In addition, FACC manufactures bifurcation fairings and anti-fluid
panels. With their special properties and thanks to specific
manufacturing technologies, the FACC engine composites set standards
in terms of weight, acoustics, and aerodynamics, thereby making an
important contribution to higher efficiency and better environmental
compatibility of the new Trent XWB engine family.

15 years of Rolls-Royce - FACC collaboration

"The assemblies developed in close cooperation with the customer,
coupled with an increased proportion of composite components in the
overall weight of the new Trent XWB compared with conventional
engines, represent a substantial basis for further expansion of the
business relationship between FACC and Rolls-Royce," says Robert
Braunsberger, Vice President of the Engines & Nacelles division.

In fact, the two companies are this year celebrating the fifteen-year
existence of their partnership in the development and production of
engine composites. Orders exist for every single one of the
Rolls-Royce civil jet engines currently being built, including all
applications for wide-body aircraft, such as the Boeing 787, Airbus
A350 XWB, A380, and A330, as well as for various business jets.

About FACC FACC AG is one of the world's leading companies in the
design, development and production of advanced fibre reinforced
composite components and systems for the aviation industry. Their
range of products extends from structural components for the fuselage
and wings to engine components and complete passenger cabins for
commercial aircraft, business jets and helicopters. FACC is a
supplier to all large aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing,
Bombardier, Embraer, Sukhoi, and COMAC, as well as for engine
manufacturers and sub-suppliers of manufacturers. In the business
year of 2013/14, FACC achieved a turnover of 547.4 million Euros. The
company currently employs 3,100 employees. Further information
available under www.facc.com.

Image Details: Images are available for editorial use by news media
and are offered for download at the www.facc.com website.

Pictures with Announcement:

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Manual Taverne
Director Investor Relations
Mobil: 0664/801192819
E-Mail: m.taverne@facc.com

Andrea Schachinger
Corporate Communication
Tel: 059/616-1194
E-Mail: a.schachinger@facc.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

Pictures with Announcement:

company: FACC AG
Fischerstraße 9
A-4910 Ried im Innkreis
phone: +43/59/616-0
FAX: +43/59/616-81000
mail: office@facc.com
WWW: www.facc.com
sector: Industrial Components
stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien
language: English


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